Year 6 Weekly Blog 'Nothing worth having comes easy'

What an inspirational and busy week we have had in Year 6… the highlight of the week has most definitely been our visit from Stuart Robinson MBE, who taught us just what the word resilience means and how it can make you unstoppable at striving to achieve your goals. Each class took part in an exercise circuit (of course we were first) and then later on we cheered and encouraged our younger pupils to complete their circuits from Nursery and Reception. We had such good fun, but the lesson behind the morning was of the greatest value. We all worked so hard as you can see from the photographs …

Resilience was another key theme at our Curriculum Evening last night. It was so lovely to see so many families sharing our learning with us and we enjoyed exploring our Jesuit virtues together! Thank you so much to those Year 6’s who came to help and support us, it is much appreciated.

Today, we have had another different day, where we have been very snuggly and warm in our PJ’s to raise money for Brian House- thank you so much for your donations!

Within class this week, although we have been struck with illness this week, we have continued working harder than ever, putting our resilience and readiness to good use. In Maths we have been looking closely at the structure of operations, using Cuisenaire rods to compare, make and discuss whether operations are a multiplicative or additive. In English this week we have compared and created a toolkit for writers of how to engage the audience in story openings, before writing our own story next week.

Art project - Mrs Neves, our art teacher, is running an art project across the school and needs your rubbish! She has asked over the next week, for Year 6 to bring in any bottle lids ( flat ones please i.e. milk lids ) and REAL pinecones ready to pain and decorate with.

Leading Learners

Well done to Amber and India this week.

Amber, you impress us every day with your enthusiasm, focus and determination in lessons. You have real ownership of your learning, using your initiative to catch up on any work missed when you were poorly and all in your own time. You are a pleasure to teach, with your quick wit, curious mind and polite manners- you never miss an opportunity to thank us or offer help.

India, you have kind and beautiful soul, where you quietly and humbly show compassion to those around you, always willing to offer a helping hand or offer a kind word. You work so cooperatively with who ever you work with; listening, offering your opinion sensitively and showing great focus.

Prophetic and Intentional butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intentional with their actions, who make deliberate choices for the good of others. Those that are prophetic, who may stand up to injustice for the greater good even when it is difficult to do so. These children are the role models of the school, who may march to the beat of a different drummer, but who make a big difference not just to our class, but to our school. This week we thank Jack Frew.

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Hollie-Rose Max Stephanie Christian


Those in the girl’s football team- please see detail on the sports page for next Thursday!

Please can you bring in any outstanding sponsor form/ monies.

Please bring as many bottle tops and pinecones as you can!

Have a lovely weekend all of you,

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Miss Forster and Mrs Webster