Year 5 Weekly Blog 18.11.22 - 'Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts'

What an action packed week it has been! We started the week off with our Year 5 assembly. The children put in so much time and effort into practicing the assembly. They did so well in rehearsing their lines, singing beautifully and showing such confidence and expression when on stage. I am incredibly proud of all of them. Thank you to all of the parents who could attend on Tuesday morning. The children were really excited to show you all of the hard work they have put into it. The message the children carried was one of importance and which the children have been making an impact with their efforts towards the eco council. Long may it continue.

I now have my own class iPad, therefore pictures will now be a regular thing on the blogs. Apologies for the lack of photos so far in the previous blogs.

On Wednesday, we had the pleasure of having an Olympic gold medalist Paralympian in Stuart Robinson. The children have raised money in sponsors for themselves as they took part in a fitness circuit, which was instructed by Stuart. The children gave it their all and used the opportunity to really push themselves physically. We also made some supportive flags and banners in art and we used these to cheer on the other classes whilst they were doing their exercises. After we had all calmed down and had some rest, Stuart hosted an assembly to tell us about his story. It was truly inspirational, how he had overcome such adversity but showed such great resilience to bounce back and achieve something great. The children had lots of curious questions, which Stuart was open to answer, along with a few physical tasks at the front to show what it might be like to exercise with a disability.

On Thursday, we had our curriculum evening, something that we have missed having and it was a pleasure to host it again. It was brilliant to see so many people there and actively taking part in the tasks put out. We really hope you took something from it and understood some of the meaningful things we do here at Our Lady’s.

Today was also a special day for the children (also the staff) as it was pajama day! The children were excited to get out of their uniform and spend the school day in something a bit more comfortable. This put the children in good spirits from the start, in which we had another brilliant school day. This was all for a great cause to raise money for charities which help children in need. Thank you to all those who donated and brought their £1 in today.

The children have also been excited this week because we started our science topic. We are learning about forces and how different forces act upon objects. This week the children have been creating and launching elastic band rockets, to see how the forces of thrust (push) and gravity (pull) are acting on the rocket.

Let’s Celebrate

Emilia for being a co-operative learner: Emilia has such a kind and calm approach about her which has made her a brilliant learning partner within the classroom. Her gentle and generous nature has meant that she works really well in group activities and can work alongside anyone. You have set the standard for everyone in the class Emilia.

Leo for being a focused learner: Leo is always on task and focused throughout lessons. This has really payed off as he has produced some brilliant pieces of work. He is focused on wanting to improve his learning, especially with his times tables battles. Keep up the good work Leo.


  • Homework will be online and details about this are available on the homework blog.

  • Girls football tournament: The school will be taking part in an all girls football tournament at AKS on Thursday 24th November, 1:30-4:30. Please make sure you have shin pads and football boots in a bag for that day. More information is available on the sports page of the website.

The girls taking part will be;

Year 5 - Nicola

Year 6- Grace, Holly-Rose, Isabella, Holly Clarke, Abby, Amber, Evie, Jess

  • Football kits: For anyone who has played for the school football team this year, could you please return your football kit on Monday, ready for the girls football tournament.

  • School trip to Lytham Hall: Information and permission forms are available via the button. Please can we have this filled in ASAP.