Year 1 Homework 25.11.22

In Geography we will be looking at our local environment and our home addresses, please could you bring in a stamped envelope with your child’s name and address on.


This weeks spellings are:

goes are can’t

don’t new took

The children will have their spelling test on Friday.

Maths IXL:

This week in Maths we have been focusing on the number 8 and countinued measuring. To consolidate their learning of counting, here are some IXL challenges for your child to have a go at. see this as an ongoing learning challenge and certainly not to be completed by next Thursday.

Ask your child to compare measurements at home by askings questions such as: who is taller/shorter? Which is longer/shorter? can you find me something which is longer than this, but shorter than this? Can you compare a few objects which is ? (longest/shortest/tallest/shortest)

How many different ways can you make 8? If I have 4 how many more do we need? Practise these stem sentences at home: 8 is made of ….. and …./ ….. and …. make 8. We have been really impressed with how quickly the children can work out the answers.


1.      Long and short

2.      Tall and short

3.      Wide and narrow

4.      Light and heavy

5.      Holds more or less

6.      Compare size, weight and capacity

7.      Measure using objects

8.      Measure length with cubes

9.      Build cube trains to measure length

10.  Measure height with cubes

11.  Build cube trains to measure height

Thank you

Miss Drummond