Year 1 Weekly Blog 25.11.22

This week we continued with our science activities focusing on animals, we have identified and classified them into: mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and birds.

 In RE we learnt about Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth. As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary, her baby leaped with joy. Elizabeth said that Mary and her baby were very blessed by God. We reflected on the good news and drew a picture of Mary and Elizabeth and explained what had happened.

 We have continued measuring in Maths, we love all the practical activities and when we were weighing we discovered that sometimes the biggest object isn’t always the heaviest. We have also been focusing on the number 8, ask your child how many different ways they can make 8? Or if I have… how many more do I need to make 8? Practise the stem sentence 8 is made of ….. and …./…. and …. make 8.

Today we had a whole class art lesson together, we create our own winter trees, don’t they look amazing :).


 We had our fifth KidSafe session this week about what to do if your trusted adults are arguing and how this can make us feel. We also recapped the last four sessions and the children evaluated their understanding of this important learning.

Please click the button below to find out more details about this session.


Show and Tell:

From next week if your child has something exciting to share with the class such as a certificate or medals. They can bring them in to share with the class on Fridays. We are looking forward to hearing your exciting news.

 Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate awardees for excellent work in Phonics especially for her super neat handwriting and using this knowledge to help support her spellings.

This week you have reflected on yourself and your learning and have not giving up even when you have found things challenging.

Henry is going home with this person for always being a fantastic role model to our class, you always work hard listen and support your friends well done.

Our Pe superstars are:


  • Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for this weeks homework.

  • Our Nativty performance at school will be on Tuesday 13th December and Wednesday 14th December at 9:30.


Have a lovely weekend


Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson