Year 2 Weekly Blog 25.11.22 - "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does!"

It’s been nice to have a bit more of a normal week after the busyness of last week! Nativity practice is now well underway, and my goodness, I already feel so proud when I hear the children’s wonderful expression when speaking their lines. Please do keep practising these over the weekend. I know that many of the children do have a lot to learn, so the more practise, the better! I have now handed my director baton over to Mrs Marham who will be taking over next week; she can’t wait to get started!

In English this week, we have finished learning all about fairytales, ready to move onto ‘fairytales with a twist’ next week. The class wrote some fantastic fairytale book reviews this morning, giving great reasons as to why others should or shouldn’t read their chosen stories.

In Maths we have been calculating number sentences with three addends. The children have been using strategies, such as finding number bonds to 10, to help them to solve the calculations efficiently and effectively. It is wonderful to see such confidence and enthusiasm in our maths lessons; I have never taught a class so excited to receive the next challenge before!

The children got crafty with Mrs Marham on Tuesday as they made their very own Florence Nightingale lanterns. Mrs Marham couldn’t quite believe how brilliant the class were at listening to and following instructions.

We had our fifth KidSafe lesson this week. Please read the letter below to find out more.

And just to finish, I would like to say a big thank you for your kind words and well-wishes as I start my maternity leave. I will still be around school next week helping out, so the class haven’t got rid of me just yet! Your children have been an absolute pleasure to teach and I am going to miss them all dearly! However, I do know that I am leaving them in the very loving hands of Mrs Marham and Mrs Hotchkiss. It seems a little too early to mention, but it will certainly be here before we know it - I hope you all have a Happy and Holy Christmas! I’ll most definitely be popping into school next term to catch up with the children and see how they are getting on.

Please now email any questions, queries or concerns to Mrs Marham. She will be most happy to help. Thank you!

Let’s Celebrate

Phoebe, not only have you been incredibly focused in our lessons this week, but you have also been super reflective too!  It has been wonderful to hear you asking so many questions about your learning and you have used the answers given to grow your brain further.  You have shared some great reasons for your ideas; particularly in maths, were you have been able to explain your thinking clearly and in great detail.  Keep this up Phoebe! 

What an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee you are Martha!  Your confidence continues to grow and grow each and every day, and I think sometimes even you amaze yourself with what you are able to achieve when you put your mind to something.  It has been great to hear so many of your wonderful thoughts and ideas during lessons and you have been getting these down in your books too.  Keep working hard Martha; you’re certainly reaping the rewards!


Sports sessions with Mr Nay on Wednesday mornings have now finished.

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

Have a lovely weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.