Year 3 Weekly Blog 25.11.22 - "Hope is but the dream of those who wake."

As we begin our journey through Advent, we have all created our own Advent promises. These are things that we will aim to do during these weeks before Christmas… our gift to Jesus. We hope to help make our world a better place, some of us are starting with helping our families somehow, others are being more mindful about worldly issues such as helping keep wildlife safe through picking up of litter. Please ask your child what they have decided they want to do this Advent… maybe this is something you could do as a family.

We have continued to be super excited to discover more about dragons in English! This week we have looked closely at a dragon which has been spotted in the North-West, the Manchester Ridge-back. We have looked closely at the non-chronological report, made a story map to help us remember the key information, created detailed diagrams and discovered what the key features are of this non-chronological report. We have certainly been busy!

On Wednesday the children came buzzing back from their art lesson. Each child has helped to create the most wonderful Christmas village, by upcycling different plastic and cardboard items. It is lovely to see their creativity and how they have chosen to represent different things. I am sure that you will be seeing their creations in a few weeks time when they are proudly brought home at the end of the term.

Let’s celebrate…

Charlotte for being a … Brave and Co-operative learner! We were so proud to watch you this week, working alongside your learning partners so beautifully. It was lovely to hear you reflect on your math learning on Tuesday and Thursday. You shared with the class how your partner had helped you with a tricky challenge and explained how much you valued this co-operation. You have taken on challenges this week and really pushed yourself. Well done Charlotte!

Hugo for being a … Co-operative learner! You are so thoughtful Hugo and have shown this even more this week! You are able to think of others and how they are feeling, finding solutions so that others feel happy and valued. When moving places this week you noticed that a friend felt more comfortable in your space, you recognised this and selflessly asked to find another seat, this was so kind and helpful! You are a great learning partner and your kind actions help to make our classroom a happy place. Thank you Hugo!


There are many exciting events coming up so make sure you keep looking out for important information!

  • Next Friday 2nd December, we are going to watch Sleeping Beauty at the parish centre with the Year 4 class. The cost of this is £5 and is on parentpay. We will be late back to school, approximately 4:00pm.

  • Our Christmas performance is in church on Thursday 15th December at 2pm and 7pm. You will notice that your main task in homework this week is to focus on practising the first 3 hymns ready for rehearsals to begin!