Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.'

And in the blink of an eye…another week in Year 6 has passed. From the minute that the children walk into class in the morning to the moment that they walk out of the door, they are constantly learning and challenging themselves to be the best that they can be. It really astounds me just how much work that the children have completed. As we approach Advent, and the birth of Jesus Christ, we continue to strive to be prophetic and intentional in our actions, which are our two virtues this half term.

Learning is always fast paced in Year 6 and this week has been no exception. This week it has been all about our writing! Every day, the children have taken a paragraph/ event from our class novel and we have either written our very own as a class or the they have independently innovated the main ideas to create their own paragraph. The next day, they look at the feedback they have been given and challenge themselves to meet this target. Wow, what wonderful writing they have created. They have all worked so hard and produced such depth, trying hard to blend their description, dialogue and action throughout.

We have been writing stories in Maths too this week. Funny, you may think, but they have really helped us to understand addition and subtraction calculations. The children have really enjoyed this and it has helped them to understand what calculation is required in the word problems. In RE, we have continued our topic on Injustice, researching and writing about Oscar Romero, who recognized the injustices of his country and who fought to overcome these. Ask the children to tell you what they have learnt about him.

Leading Learners

Well done to Olivia and James this week.

Olivia, We have loved reading your writing this week. Your creativity and ability to hook the reader in and entertain them with your words, is beautiful. You have been so creative with your descriptions that we felt like we were actually IN your story- You had us hooked! You have also controlled the pace of your writing creatively with your precise punctuation and variation of sentence lengths, just at the right time. Thank you for working so hard and sharing your writing with the class. 

James, you are so focused on your learning and always engaged, ready to learn and answer any questions thrown your way!  You listen to the learning, reflect, manage any distractions extremely well and challenge yourself in your work. You work so hard to improve and hit your targets every day and this is reflected in your work. A big well done James- keep up the great work!

Prophetic and Intentional butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intentional with their actions, who make deliberate choices for the good of others. Those that are prophetic, who may stand up to injustice for the greater good even when it is difficult to do so. These children are the role models of the school, who may march to the beat of a different drummer, but who make a big difference not just to our class, but to our school. This week we thank Steph and Kai.

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Amber Holly Jessica Lena


Our Christmas performance is in church on Thursday 15th December at 2pm and 7pm.

Please bring as many bottle tops and pinecones as you can!

Have a lovely weekend all of you,

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Miss Forster and Mrs Webster