This week...

Another lovely week at nursery, even though everyone appears to be a little‘under the weather’. Nonetheless, we have battled through and got to Friday with smiles on our faces.

We have started to talk about Advent and what that means in the Christian calendar. Everyone is very excited about getting ready for Baby Jesus’ birthday…we have already started to make preparations! More on that next week.

On Friday we went in to the school hall to sing our Christmas songs alongside Reception…we are getting very good!!

Ooodle of noodles!

We had great fun on Monday. We coloured some noodles pink and some noodles blue! We then practiced our snipping skills until they were all cut into tiny, tiny pieces. Take a look!


If you have not completed your order form (the form is on last weeks blog) you will need to do it a.s.a.p., as the school office needs to calculate numbers. If you can send in money to nursery when tickets have been allocated that would be great!

Your key person should have emailed you this week about parts for the Nativity, and if you need to provide anything. If there are any problems just let me know.


This week through Mollie the Cat and Billy Bird talking about their respective journeys from kitten/egg to adult animals, we explored the natural human cycle of life, focusing on what we could remember about our development so far and what we know will happen as we get older. This was underpinned by the religious understanding that growing up is part of God’s plan for our lives and that we are loved by Him at every life stage. Click on the button below to see the slides.

Michelle’s blog


We have had such a busy week. Our rehearsals for our Nativity are really have coming along, we can't wait to perform for you all. Hopefully you seen the message on last week’s blog about how to get tickets. We are getting so good at singing and doing all the actions. 

Thank you to everyone for your generous donations to our Children in Need Pyjama Day, it was such fun coming to nursery in our pyjamas and with our teddies too.  

We are really working hard to learn our letter sounds, and this week we have begun to learn some new sounds. Here is a quick reminder of the sounds, remember it’s the pure sounds your child needs to learn e.g., ‘mm’ not ‘muh’  Click here

We have spent some time this week playing games with our friends. It's so important that we can learn to take turns but sometimes it's just so hard waiting when we want to win! We do have to remember that we can't win all the time. The shopping game is our favourite this week, but we have also played outside games and games on the computer too. Some ideas for games to play at home. Click here.   

This week in PE we have further explored our feelings with the Cherry Tots. Our favourite cherry is still Cheeky Cherry and we love it when the cherries dance together at the end. Doing PE gives us the opportunity to practise putting our shoes and socks on, at first this was so tricky but we keep practising and we are getting better every week.  

Although the weather wasn’t great this week, we have still managed to get out for lots of outdoor play. We can't believe that we still have so many Ladybirds in our nursery garden, and we have also seen some slugs and spiders too. Maybe you can go on a mini best hunt in your garden, I’m sure there are lots of creepy crawlies hiding out there. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you all next week! 

Colette’s blog

Hello everyone.

We have been practising our songs this week for our wonderful nativity and Nursery Ladies are trying very hard to remember the actions that go with the songs….we definitely need more practise. I wonder if your child can sing you any of the songs.     The cast list has been finalised and now we truly cannot wait to tell you the wonderful Christmas story.

We have been looking closely at the number 4 and understanding how many different ways we can make 4 (e.g. 2+2, 1+3, 4+0) the children can do this by using their fingers. Click here to watch numberblocks. We have been singing lots of number songs about sausages sizzling in the pan, current buns in the bakers shop and our favourite 5 bananas on the banana tree. Numbers have been everywhere!! Even the number monkeys have been sneaking off from their usual spot and have hidden themselves all around nursery (the children just keep on finding them…they are almost too good!!!!)

Have a lovely weekend!


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone!

What a week we have had with the weather – we’ve been inside, then outside then inside again! We loved seeing a rainbow on Wednesday and spoke about all the colours we could see.

We have continued to make up funny stories this week – we wrote a story about a cat that went on the bus and then wrote a letter! The children have great imaginations! We also had a go at sorting objects based on their initial sounds, using the 5 sounds we have learnt so far (m, a, d, s and t). The children are working hard to listen for the sound at the beginning of a word.

We have continued looking at Number 4. The children are coming up with all the different ways to make 4, they have shown us on their fingers and also with gems under cups! They have been trying to trick the nursery ladies by moving the gems around under the cups – but somehow the total is always 4! We have also been doing some lovely work for our Numberblocks display in the classroom.

PE has been great fun this week. We have looked at different ways of moving – we danced with ribbons and we also had a go at walking on benches and jumping off the raised platforms. Some of us were a bit wary but very proud when we did it!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on Monday


…and a few extras from Justine!

As you can see it’s been another fun week at nursery…we can’t wait for next week!

Have a restful weekend…it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

God Bless
