Year 5 Weekly Blog- 'Trust has to be earned and should only come after the passage of time'

It’s hard to believe that we are now closer to the end of term than the start. It has been another exciting and fun filled week with lots of learning.

In Maths, we are coming to the end of our number focus with decimals and are moving onto money. With all of the knowledge and understanding that the children have built up with decimals, I have no doubt that they will smash our money topic.

In English, we have been recapping conjunctions and how they are used in sentences as we have been discussing causal conjunctions. Over the next few weeks, children will be identifying different types of conjunctions in texts and then including these in their own pieces of writing.

We have also started our new class novel ‘Cloud Busting’ which the children have been excited and engaged with. The book is poetic and is written in verse, which also includes some Haikus poetry, a Japanese style of poetry that focuses on a limited amount of syllables.

Let’s Celebrate

Nicola for being a focused learner: Nicola is always making the right choice in the classroom. She is always the first person I see sat quietly when the noise stats to get louder. She is an example of how we should behave in class, in which she also helps her classmates to not make the wrong choice.

Betsy for being a enthusiastic learner: Betsy has such a positive attitude whenever she enters the classroom which is reflected in her learning. She is never afraid to ask for help when needed and still maintains a positive attitude when she is struggling. Her attitude means she is a brilliant classmate and works really well in partner activities.


School trip- Our school trip to Lytham Hall is on Monday 28th November. Please can all children be at school for 8:30pm as we need to leave earlier to catch our train. Children will be in their own clothes so please make sure they are weather appropriate. We will be back before the school day finishes so pick ups will be as normal. We will be back in time for music so can children still bring their clarinets in.

Swimming- The children did not finish their water safety lessons in year 4. Their final swimming lesson will be on Thursday 15th December. Please can children arrive at school at 8:30pm with their swimming costume and pajamas.

Christmas concert- Will be on Thursday 15th December. This will be done at church and the two times for the concert are 2pm and 7pm.