Year 3 Weekly Blog 4.11.22 - "Dream big, sparkle more, shine bright."

On Monday we welcomed everybody back as we began our new half term. I must admit that this half term is up there with my favourites! During the coming weeks we will begin to prepare for Advent and Christmas and there are so many exciting events to look forward to! It is always such a magical time in school and one which will be all the more special after missing out on these events in the recent years.

We have jumped straight back into our maths learning, this week focusing on subtracting through the ten. We have been learning a strategy very similar to our addition work before the half term. When looking at a sum such as 14 - 5, the children have been partitioning the 5 into 2 parts… I wonder if you could ask your child what 2 parts we would split the number 5 into in the example above and why?

On Tuesday we walked to church to celebrate the feast of All Saints. The children found it really interesting to learn a little more about All Hallows eve and how this leads into our Christian feast days of All Saints and All Souls. The following day, as it was All Souls day, we spent time to pray for our loved ones who are up in heaven. The children listened to each other as they shared their own intentions and was such a calm, prayerful and special part of our week!

We have also started our new history topic, STONE AGE. We started off by thinking about a world without our favourite foods, activities and transport… the disappointment when we thought of a world without pizza was one almost too much to bare! Following this we then looked closely at a picture which represented that of the stone age. The children used this picture to discover more about how Mankind lived during this time, many great, inquisitive questions were asked! It was great to see the children’s fascination towards our new history topic, we cannot wait to find out more and to become Stone age experts.

Finally, this weekend many of us will celebrate Bonfire night and so, on Friday the children have been thinking about how we can stay safe and have fun this weekend. I wonder what they can remember?

Let’s celebrate!

Both Seth and Jacob - Our Co-operative and Focused learners!

This week we have chosen a pair of children who have been learning partners throughout the week. They have worked together beautifully, encouraging one another to be the best learner they can be. It has been a delight to watch the pair of you support each other! Well done boys!

On Friday 11th November, we will be visited in school by Stuart Robinson. Stuart is a gold medal winning Paralympian, who represented GB in the recent Olympic games in wheel-chair rugby.

Stuart’s visit is part of an event for Sports for Schools. This is an opportunity for the children to take part in a sporting event organised by Stuart, and to then hear about his story as part of an assembly. He will be with us all afternoon. This event is also an opportunity to raise money for our school - for PE, Sport and Active Learning.

The children have all brought a sponsor form home for them to collect as many sponsors as they can before the event next Friday.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend!
Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter