Year 6 Weekly Blog ‘Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving’ Albert Einstein

Welcome back to our second half term together and this week has certainly gone with a bang! We have completed so much work in every single lesson, I really feel like we are flying!

Thank you to all those parents who saw me on parents’ day. I always enjoy celebrating the children and to share just how well they have settled in to Year 6. We cannot ask the children to work any harder than they are doing, they just need to work smart too and produce the best work that they possibly can. Always use the opportunity to showcase just what you can do!

We started the week with Bikeablility, and what an exciting way to kick start the half term. The children were so sensible and focused at completing each task that was set, we were so proud of them all.

Earlier in the week, we attended mass as a whole school to celebrate the feast of All Saints. Thank you to all the children who read so beautifully in Church. Maths has continued to operate at a really deep level in class with so many children showing elements of greater depth thinking on a daily basis, we have continued problem solving with fractions, finding the whole amount this week based on a part and looking at different strategies of how to complete some tricky calculations involving fractions. We have continued our work on ‘The Nowhere Emporium’, answering some tricky VIPER questions and looking closely at one of the characters, trying to work out whether we think they are going to be a good or evil character- we are very undecided! Year 6 loved starting on their textiles project this week, have a look at the photographs …


This week, we have completed our 4th Kidsafe lesson about keeping our private areas safe. Your children may wish to discuss this further with you.

Please click the button below to find out more detail about this lesson.

Leading Learners

Well done to Max and Asher this week.

Max, you have come back from half term, ready and raring to go! Although you have not felt 100%, this has not stopped you from being so engaged with your learning, giving your best and having such great stickability when we have found something difficult- well done Max!

Asher, wow, not only are you a role model of what a successful learner looks like but also a compassionate and loving leader. You are so focused on your learner and work hard in all areas, which is always reflected in your work. Not only is this shown in your work, but also you were mentioned by the coaches from Bikeability, as making great progress, as you had the ability to listen, take advice on board and apply it. Thank you Asher for being such an inspiration.

Kind and compassionate butterflies

We have been on the look out for acts of kindness and compassion this week. Pure love and kindness has been shown in abundance this week. It definitely makes our classroom a happier and a richer place for it. Thank you to Hollie-Rose. There have been so many times this week when you have gone out of your way to help someone in class. Thank you for all that you do!

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Jacob O Max Kiefer Olivia


Next Monday is the continuation of Bikeability- those who moved on from level one last week- don’t forget your bikes.

On Friday 11th November, we will be visited in school by Stuart Robinson. Stuart is a gold medal winning Paralympian, who represented GB in the recent Olympic games in wheel-chair rugby.

Stuart’s visit is part of an event for Sports for Schools. This is an opportunity for the children to take part in a sporting event organised by Stuart, and to then hear about his story as part of an assembly. He will be with us all afternoon. This event is also an opportunity to raise money for our school - for PE, Sport and Active Learning.

The children have all brought a sponsor form home for them to collect as many sponsors as they can before the event next Friday.

17th November 6pm- Curriculum Evening. Please come along and learn with us. Some children may be asked to come and help on this night.

18th November- please come to school in your PJ’s to raise money for Brain House.

Have a lovely weekend all of you,

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Miss Forster and Mrs Webster