‘Jesus is the gift that perfectly fits every heart’.

Christmas is inching closer and closer, and the children (and nursery ladies) are getting more and more excited!!!

Everyone has nearly completed their Christmas surprises- keep a look our for them coming home.

On Monday we went to watch the KS1 Nativity play. The children enjoyed being together with the whole school especially when they saw their brothers and sisters….one big happy family!

The frosty days have given us all great joy. The aew and wonder when we noticed that the grass was white!! Justine read us a story about Jack Frost and the children said he had been to their house too! We all melted the frost with our warm hands to make handprints!

It has been very cold though. The children have not wanted to spend as much time in the garden brrrrrrrr!

Colette’s Blog

Hello everyone.

The children were able to begin this week by watching KS1 Nativity. It was such a wonderful experience for them being in the audience especially as they know this beautiful story so well now. Last Friday afternoon the children were beginning to miss performing so much that they decided to build their own stage in Nursery and recreate their Foundation Nativity.  For the Nursery staff this really was the most joyful performance to watch because it showed how the children had really understood the true meaning of Christmas. They never cease to amaze us with how much they can remember in their ‘thinking brains’.

The freezing cold weather has given us lots of exciting things to find in the garden, we have found evidence of ‘Jack Frost’ everywhere. Lots of water had turned to ice and so we have had some lovely conversations about freezing and melting too!

May I just take this opportunity to wish all of you a very Happy Christmas with your wonderful families and thank you so much for everything that you do to support us at Nursery.

Enjoy the holidays and I’ll see you in 2023!


Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone

What another busy week! We enjoyed watching Year 1 and 2 in their Nativity performance at the start of the week – they were brilliant!

We loved performing in our Nativity so much that we’ve continued performing in the classroom and outside too! We made stages and took it in turns to perform and also be the grownups in the audience – it was so nice to see the children encouraging their friends and clapping for them. Lots of smiles all round!

We have made the most of the cold weather and ice and enjoyed putting small toys in bowls of water outside and explored what happened to them overnight – we learnt the words liquid and solid! It was fun trying to ‘free’ our toys in the warm classroom. The children also decided to make an ice cream shop outside – at least it was cold enough for the ice cream not to melt! This was a great activity to develop language skills and turn taking.

We have continued looking at our 10 sounds we have learnt so far – some of us even know more than 10! We enjoyed ‘crossing the river’ at carpet time. We had to listen carefully for our sound and could only cross the river if it matched. We are so good at recognising sounds on the carpet and also in our environment. Keep looking out for these over the Christmas holidays!

I hope you all have a lovely time with your families over the holidays – I’m looking forward to hearing all about it when we are back!


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone,

This week has been so chilly but that has led to some wonderful learning about ice and the cold. This week we were scientists and we did our own experiments. We left some items outside in some water and wondered what would happen to them. The children said we were doing an ‘experiment’. We found out that the water had turned into ice and froze the items inside the ice. We also discovered that water when frozen is called ice and that it turns back into water when it gets warm.

We also discovered more about number 5 this week. We drew our high 5 fingers and played a game where we had to put the sheep in the field, always adding up to 5. Maths mastery is knowing that 5 can be made up in different ways. This knowledge will help children with addition and subtraction in later life.

We have also enjoyed watching the school children in their nativity performances, we do enjoy going in to the school hall and sharing special moments with the rest of the school.

Don’t forget party day is Monday 19th, party dress is essential!

Finally, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support this term. It is truly appreciated. I am sure you will agree with me that we really do have the best children here at Our Lady Star of the Sea Nursery. They are all amazing!

Just as few extras from Justine!

Our freezing and melting experiment.

As Colette has already mentioned, we put lots of different objects in cups and bowls then covered them with water. We put them into the garden to see if they would freeze. We learnt that the water was a liquid and when it got very cold it turned into a solid…ice! When we brought the ice inside our lovely warm nursery it changed back into a liquid…water! We could then rerieve all the objects which had been trapped in the ice. Take a look…

Healthy Start scheme- what is it?

If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk.

If you’re eligible, you’ll be sent a Healthy Start card with money on it that you can use in some UK shops. Your benefit will be added onto your card every 4 weeks.

You can use your card to buy:

  • plain liquid cow’s milk

  • fresh, frozen, and tinned fruit and vegetables

  • fresh, dried, and tinned pulses

  • infant formula milk based on cow’s milk

You can also use your card to collect:

  • Healthy Start vitamins – these support you during pregnancy and breastfeeding

  • vitamin drops for babies and young children – these are suitable from birth to 4 years old.

If you need anymore information visit healthystart.nhs.uk/how-to-apply/ or click here.

Christmas Taskmaster

As in previous years i have sent home a Christmas Taskmaster activity sheet. If you are a loose end why not try a few of the activities. You may not have time and that’s ok! The important thing is to enjoy being together and having fun!

Purple Mash

Don’t forget to check Purple Mash for any Christmas activities!

Christmas Party

Don’t forget that the Christmas Party is on Monday morning 9.15 am (if it is not your usual day) until 11.45 am. We will be joining Reception and the rest of KS1 for lots of Christmas merriment. Party clothes a must!!!!

Packed lunches and hot lunches are as usual. We will be having birthday cake as a treat to celebrate Baby Jesus’ birthday at snack time. The children have been quite specific in their choice of cake. It must ne chocolate, with chocolate icing, Smarties and chocolate buttons!!! Sounds good!

We are also hoping for a visit from a very special person….I do hope I am on the good list!

Lastly, may I remind everyone that school and Nursery closes at 2pm on Tuesday.

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you for the last two days of the term next week.

God Bless
