Year 3 home learning

From now until we return, we want you to relax and enjoy Christmas. Spend time together, take the pressure off… bake, watch your favourite films, visit somewhere new, re-organise your bedroom, learn how to play a new board game, GET CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN!

We would love for you to share these memories that you make… you have our emails and can send any photos that you would like us to share in class when we return.

Try and get lost in a new book, visit the library if you can. When we return we will be looking at describing settings and characters… maybe you could start to magpie ideas from books that you read over the summer. These ideas could go into your homework book so that you have them to use when in school.

Remember that you have TT Rockstars to continue to use. Can you earn enough points to make your character Christmassy?

All our love, and wishing you the most wonderful Christmas.

Your ever growing Year 3 team xxx