I think you will all agree that Monday’s concert at church was so magical and a real thought-provoking evening for us all. We were so unbelievably proud of the children; the way they spoke and the way they sung was just beautiful - it really started Christmas for us all. Thank you for coming and joining us in this celebration.
Amidst all of these performances and our own rehearsals, the children have continued to work incredibly hard. We have written a letter to Mike E. Mouse, applying for a job as chief animator and continuing with our coding work, designing our very own game!
We finally finished our class novel ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ and I have to say it was most definitely worth waiting for! It was quite a dramatic ending with lots of emotion. I am sorry to those that missed the ending- please don’t worry you can borrow the book to finish after Christmas or if you can’t wait, I have attached the PDF below:
On Tuesday was our well-deserved Christmas Party, where we danced, played games and laughed …ALOT! It was so lovely to relax and enjoy this time together as a class, followed by a nice treat, relaxing in front of a film!
We loved meeting up with our reception partners today to decorate baubles for one another …
Thank you to all of the children for their hard work this term, make sure this Christmas you get plenty of rest and re-charge those batteries ready for a busy, hard-working next half term- they are more than ready!
Voted for by your classmates for being an excellent learning role model within our classroom. The class think you have shone this half term …
Lily- Mae and Alex
Helpers in the mornings:
The first week back after Christmas we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Nicola Harvey Edi Iris
Have a lovely Christmas full of fun, family-time and relaxation.
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Barker and Mrs Webster.