Year 2 Weekly Blog 2/12/22 “In the seasons of our Advent—waking, working, eating, sleeping, being—each breath is a breathing of Christ into the world.”

“In the seasons of our Advent—waking, working, eating, sleeping, being—each breath is a breathing of Christ into the world.” —Caryll Houselander

What an amazing first week I’ve had in the classroom with the children!

The first week of Advent has seen us thinking about the imminent arrival of Jesus. We have made a class Advent wreath and put the first candle on it, each week on a Monday we will adding a new candle and discussing its meaning and significance.

We’ve been continuing to practise our nativity, with lots of singing and some time in the hall with Year 1 putting it all together. Thank you to everyone who has helped practise lines at home. The children are really looking forward to performing for their families and friends.

In English, we have been looking at fairy tales with a twist. The children have thought about the Big Bad Wolf in the Little Red Riding story and how his character could have been misunderstood - perhaps he was a good guy after all! They’ve also looked a similarities and differences between the original Three Little Pigs story and the book ‘The true story of the three pigs’ by Jon Scieszka.

In Maths, we have continued calculating number sentences with three addends, using strategies, such as finding number bonds to 10. We have used number lines to help us visualise the calculations and rewritten number sentences to include number bonds we know.

This week was Miss Woodend’s last week in school before starting maternity leave. I know Miss Woodend feels a little sad leaving such a wonderful class at a time of year which is always magical, but know she is looking forward to some rest before the arrival of her new baby.

Any questions, queries or concerns should be emailed to myself at the email address below.

Let’s Celebrate

Isaac, what a fantastic week you have had!It has been wonderful to see your enthusiasm in lessons. You constantly have your hand up ready to make contributions to our class discussions or to answer a question. You explain well how you find answers; particularly in maths, this shows me you have a good understanding of what has been taught. You are also a thoughtful and helpful member of the class, I’ve noticed you helping your friends, as well as adults.

Fletcher, You have been noticed this week for always doing the right thing. You are a year two role model. This has been noticed not only by me but other adults in the classroom too. You are a polite, helpful member of our class and a good friend. Keep it up, we are proud of you!


Our Nativity performance at school will be on Tuesday 13th December and Wednesday 14th December.

On Friday 9th December, the school council have decided to have a Christmas colours day, you may wear Christmas colours, a Christmas jumper or decorate your clothes for Christmas. In return please bring in at least £1 donation - so that through CAFOD, we can buy animals for people in need. If everyone contributes we will have enough to buy a cow, a goat, a chicken and some bees!

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

Please ensure children are coming to school with a coat, although it looks bright and sunny, it has been very cold outside at break times.

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Marham and the rest of the Year 2 team