Year 3 Weekly Blog 2.12.22 - "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it."

What a wonderful way to end our week, a trip to the panto! We had a great time with year 4 and have come back feeling full of Christmas cheer!

We’ve had a busy week and have continued to deepen our understanding of numbers that added together make one hundred. We have been using 100 square grids to help us with this. I wonder Year 3, how confident can you share the method we have learnt this week to answer this sum: 26 + 74 (remember first to make 10 ones-show your family members how we partition these numbers to help us).

We have also welcomed a new member to our class, a rather shy, yet mischievous dragon. He heard that we were learning about dragons and thought we might be able to take good care of him. He likes to fly around the classroom when we aren’t there! I wonder where we might find him next week… (Extra homework-what could we name our class dragon?) We have been finding out many facts about dragons and have used last week’s homework to write questions to each other about their own dragon sightings.

Let’s Celebrate…

Gus for being a focused Cooper Crab! We have been SO impressed with your effort towards your maths and English learning this week! You thought of so many wonderful questions to discover more about dragons and your presentation was great too! Keep it up Gus, you have really impressed us!

William for being a keep improving Lizzie Ladybird! We have loved to see you reaching for the stars this week, improving your ideas and not giving up when things get tricky! You are trying really hard with your reading skills and have have focused carefully in maths to understand numbers that make 100. Well done William!


  • Next week we will be busy with rehearsals to church. Please make sure your child brings a warm coat and hat ALL week.

  • On Wednesday we are walking to Church with Year 1 and Year 5 to celebrate mass together this advent. Once again they will need warm clothing to walk to and from church.

  • Christmas cards: As we have done in previous years, we kindly ask that instead of writing individual Christmas cards for the class, we use this money to raise money for Brian House. You can, if you wish, make a whole class card that we can display in our classroom.

  • Our Christmas performance is in church on Thursday 15th December at 2pm and 7pm.

  • Friday 16th December Key Stage 2 Christmas party. Children can come to school in party clothes and sensible shoes. They can bring a non fizzy drink and a small snack such as chocolate or a packet of crisps.