Year 6 Weekly Blog- “Peace begins with a smile” Mother Teresa

It is hard to believe that we are now coming up to week 2 of Advent, the week of Peace. This week, we were welcomed to school with the beautiful reminder that Christmas is coming- the tree was decked in the hall and displays were up to remind us all of this special time. Of course, Nativity practices are also now in full flow, which teaches us the real reason of our celebration, how a a baby was born to us, that would one day, save us all.

Peace, this week, has been at the forefront of our RE lessons and worship. Our RE topic is such a reflective unit of work, as we ask the children to reflect on the injustices within our world today. They are often surprised that some of the situations still occur. We spent Tuesday and Wednesday reflecting on a poem about the plight of refugees in our world. Why not read the poem and see what you think?

They have no need of our help
So do not tell me
These haggard faces could belong to you or me
Should life have dealt a different hand
We need to see them for who they really are
Chancers and scroungers
Layabouts and loungers
With bombs up their sleeves
Cut-throats and thieves
They are not
Welcome here
We should make them
Go back to where they came from
They cannot
Share our food
Share our homes
Share our countries
Instead let us
Build a wall to keep them out
It is not okay to say
These are people just like us
A place should only belong to those who are born there
Do not be so stupid to think that
The world can be looked at another way.

Now read the poem backwards. What a powerful poem with a really significant meaning. The discussion around this and the empathy the children showed was so humbling, what a group of compassionate and intentional children you have.

Following this lesson, the children have written their own poems about refugees. These are going up on our worship board next week, so we will show you them next week.

In Maths, we have been continuing to work hard on our reasoning and applying of missing numbers. We have also looked at the strategy of redistribution and have even started our shape work with Mrs Nel. This week we have learnt that one of the main characters in our novel has gone missing, and the children have predicted many different theories as to where he has gone. We can’t wait to find out!

Year 6 have loved Art this week, giving them the chance to get really creative with all of the recycled ‘rubbish’ we have brought in, to create many different creations to go in our whole school Christmas scene. We can’t wait to see it put all together …

Leading Learners

Well done to Lena and Mason this week.

Lena, Wow Lena you know how to work your socks off! You have such resilience, stickibility and a desire to succeed, it’s contagious! Keep enjoying your learning and giving it your everything.

Mason, we have been so impressed with your focus during our writing this week! You have really set your mind to it, been extremely determined and created a beautiful piece of descriptive writing. This was also evident in your WONDERFUL History research for homework, where we saw that creative flair really come to life! Keep working on your resilience Mason and you will fly!

Prophetic and Intentional butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intentional with their actions, who make deliberate choices for the good of others. Those that are prophetic, who may stand up to injustice for the greater good even when it is difficult to do so. These children are the role models of the school, who may march to the beat of a different drummer, but who make a big difference not just to our class, but to our school. This week we thank Grace.

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Mason Grace Steph Amber


We are out and about a lot next week, doing various rehearsals in church. Please could you make sure children have a warm coat and hat each day to keep warm.

We have decided as a school not to send individual Christmas cards to each other, but to instead collect this money for…… Children can if they wish, write one card for the whole class.

Next Friday 9th December- Please wear Christmas colours and spread the Christmas cheer- we just ask if you could to donate £1 towards CAFOD World Gifts.

Our Christmas performance is in church on Thursday 15th December at 2pm and 7pm.

Friday 16th December Key Stage 2 Christmas party. Children can come to school in party clothes and sensible shoes. They can bring a non fizzy drink and a small snack such as chocolate or a packet of crisps.

Have a lovely weekend all of you,

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Miss Forster and Mrs Webster