Year 1 Weekly Blog 24.3.23

‘Even the smallest one can change the world’

Beatrix Potter

It was a great start to the week with our assembly, the children worked incredibly hard and I am very proud of them. They we amazing, thank you for all the lovely comments we really appreciated them. Here is our brilliant Hail Mary video.

It was great to chat to the rest of our parents at parents evening and share how much progress everyone is making, how hard they are working and how proud we are of them.

English: we started our own story maps for our own tale of Peter Rabbit the Radish Robber! Mrs Gregan joined us for two of our English lessons this week and was very impressed with our sentence retell and our actions to help us remember our sentences.

Maths: I set the children the challenge of playing the game odd one out. They had to subitise 3 sets and say which was the odd one out and why, e.g. the 5 numicon, five dots on the dice and 2 counters, the counters are the odd ones out because the others show 5. Then they created their own for their partners. We created our own bus stories with the rekenreks, there are 5 people on the bus one person gets on the bus how many are there now.

Science: we have loved our science this week, we went on a signs of spring hunt and did a tree bark rubbing, drew flowers outside and in our books and labelled them. Then we planted cress seeds and pea shoots and used magnifying glasses to help us draw an observational picture of a daffodil with oil pastels. One of our apple seeds germinated. We know it takes years for a tree to grow but we want to investigate and see what will happen to our seed while we are in Year 1.

RE: We heard the story of Jesus and his followers going into Jerusalem and thought about how we would welcome a special visitor to our school. We hot seated Jesus and asked some fantastic questions ‘why did you choose to ride a donkey?’ Xander, ‘because my Mum rode a donkey to the stable’ Isla, ‘Is it fun being Jesus?’ Heidi ‘yes beacuse people like me and I help people’ Daniel.

We all attended mass this week with our Year 5 partners and Year 2 as part of our Lenten journey. It was wonderful to see the older children look after Year 1 they all sat and listened beautifully.

Library: I will give the forms out next week (sorry I forgot to hand them out) if you would like your child to have a library card, fill in the form and return to school. I will take them to the library, then when we go after Easter they will be ready and children with libaray cards can pick a book to take home.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate holders this week:

All of year 1 for: an amazing assembly, we were focused during practise. Creative with our Mum portraits, poems and songs and curious to learn how to sign the Hail Mary. We were brave performing to an audience.  We all worked well together and were supportive of each other. We were determined to remember our lines and when to come on and off the stage. We were all enthusiastic with our performance and reflected to help make improvements.

I am so proud of you all :).

Cooper Crab: for being very focused this week on the carpet and writing brilliant sentneces in English.

Kiki Chameleon: for your detailed flower drawings and labelling all the parts of the flower in science.

Henry is going home with this person for her hard work in RWI well done.

Well done to our PE superstars, for their excellent Space routine.

Reading Challenge:

I have been blown away with all of the children’s enthusiasm with their reading, it is lovely to see their excitement and they regularly update me with where they are up to on their chart.

I can’t believe we have even more bronze certificate awardees this week well done! This weeks and last weeks awardees were announced during assembly, they were all very proud to share their acheivement with the whole school.

Lenten Promise:

As a class we voted to have a craft day at school this will be on Friday 31st March, we will be making a range of crafts and Easter cards for the residents at Stella Matutina and the parishioners. To help raise money for CAFOD we are going to sell tickets for you to come and see our exhitbition of crafts in school. Invitations with the date of the exhibtion will be going out next week.

Easter Egg Competition

The school council have decided that they would like to have an Easter Egg Competition, to raise money for CAFOD. Decorate a boiled egg in any way you would like, it is £1 to enter the competiton, eggs need to be in by Wednesday 5th April.


  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher