Year 3 blog 24.3.23 - "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." - Mother Teresa

It is scary just how fast these weeks are flying by! We had a fantastic time on our sponsored walk to Ashton Gardens on Wednesday. We found a sunny spot on the grass and everybody began to write such beautiful messages on their pebbles, followed by brightening them up by painting beautiful patterns onto them. Whilst our pebbles dried, we enjoyed the fresh air and a snack before we then went and explored Ashton Gardens a little further, leaving our pebbles in carefully placed spots. I wonder if they will still be there this weekend.. or whether they have all been found?

Thank you to you all for sponsoring us. All of the money that we have received will be joined together with the other classes and will go towards helping those in need, through the well known charity, Cafod.

We have had great fun developing our drama skills in English as we have been discovering more about verbs. With each new verb that we came across, we made sure to say it, clap it and act it out! Year 3, why not share how we did this with the following verbs: groan, topple, trickle and gleam. We also discovered synonyms for these words, along with using the dictionaries to learn the definitions of each verb.

In RE we have put all our focus into understanding the last supper. We have been considering the thoughts and feelings of the disciples, when they were sat around the table with Jesus for the last time. This deeper understanding will help us next week as we begin rehearsing for our Easter assembly. The children are desperate to get started!

The children shared their amazing non-chronological reports on Mount Vesuvius. The children have gone to so much effort with this learning and are little experts on what happened and why. Thank you for all of your support at home with this project! Here are photos of some of the children’s work.

In History the children have learned about Boudica and her rebellion against the Roman army. The children drew Boudica based on historical interpretations of her and discussed how Roman accounts of her in the history books, may not reflect her true bravery and strength. They then wrote a powerful speech, empowering her Celtic tribe to fight with her!


Louis, you have been such a determined learner this week. Your confidence in Maths is brilliant to see, particularly with your times tables. You are challenging your brain to grow every day and are never deterred by a tricky challenge. It is lovely to see you being so resilient and eager to learn! Well done Louis!

Tommy, your brain has been buzzing with enthusiasm this week. You have been eager to learn more in every lesson and always want to have a go, even if you’re not sure if you’ve got the right answer. Your non-chronological report on Mount Vesuvius was so creative and factual! You have gone to so much effort and enjoyed every moment.


  • Next Wednesday (29th March) we will be walking to church to celebrate mass with our parish. Please make sure you bring a suitable coat.

  • Monday 3rd April we have our Easter assembly, which starts at 9:15. If you are able to, it would be wonderful if you could come along!

  • Children will have PE on Friday (31st March) next week, not Thursday.

  • On Friday 28th April, the children will be going to Ribchester Roman Museum. I will post early next week with all of the details. How exciting!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Bassett & Mrs Marshall