Year 1 Weekly Blog 31.3.23

This morning, we had the pleasure of watching the Year 2 worship of Palm Sunday. It was such a lovely start to our school Holy Week, we are looking forward to the rest next week and discussing and reflecting on them as part of our RE.

English: We have started to innovate our Peter Rabbit stories, we have thought of a different character and a different fruit/vegetable. I have been very impressed with their writing and I am excited to read everyones stories and for the children to mark and self-assess their own work.

Maths: We have continued working on our part-part-whole cherry diagrams to find all the possible combinations of 5 and working out 1 more and 1 less of a number. Ask your child at home lots of questions to secure this knowledge. We have loved playing lots of games to help us improve our fluency, such as if I have 3 counters in my open hand how many are in my closed hand. I am going to clap 5 times (clap twice, how many more time do I need to clap) ask you child at home how to play. We really had to think hard about 1 more and 1 less as the questions have been worded in a different way. Have a go at the ones I have set for the homework. We also used the rekenreks to tell stories: first there were 6 birds 1 bird flew away, then there were 5 birds.

History: On Tuesday we found a letter in our classroom and a book, it was from an astronaut, who set us a challenge to work together to build a tower with only tape and paper! It was great fun.The book was about Neil Armstrong, we have loved finding out about him this week and I have enjoyed the children bringing in books to share with the class, we love learning about different people.

We designed our own coin and stamp to commemorate the moon landing, ordered and retold the trip to the moon, made a group Neil Armstrong timeline and discussed reasons for and against going to the moon. We thought it might be nice to see but it could also be dangerous and we might get stuck there!

Music: We composed our own music using a repeated pattern and played it to our name song.

RWI: this week my group loved reading about the whales we decided we should make some posters to help save them, we researched whales and what we could do to help them. We discovered that we need recycle our plastic properly so it doesn’t end up in the ocean.

The other groups loved retelling their stories and acting it out, we love drama!

Lenten Promise:

We enjoyed our arts and craft day, invitations have gone home and our exhibition will be on Wednesday 5th April starting at 3- 3:40, we are very excited for you to come and see our beautiful creations. There will be a donation box in the classroom, to help us raise money for CAFOD.

Let’s Celebrate:

We have two Kiki Chameleons for a very creative week and super sentences in English keep it up :)

Henry is going home with this person for an amazing week in school well done!

Reading Challenge:

I have been blown away with all of the children’s enthusiasm with their reading, it is lovely to see their excitement and they regularly update me with where they are up to on their chart. Try and just sign once per day so we can keep it going, thank you :). We will announce the certificate awardees next week in our Thursday assembly.

Easter Egg Competition

The school council have decided that they would like to have an Easter Egg Competition, to raise money for CAFOD. Decorate a boiled egg in any way you would like, it is £1 to enter the competiton, eggs need to be in by Wednesday 5th April.


  • Please bring your lenten boxes back by Wednesday 5th April.

  • We break up at 2pm on Thursday 6th April.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher