Year 2 Weekly Blog - Rejoice in the miracle of Easter

Year 2 Weekly Blog - Rejoice in the miracle of Easter

Last Friday Year 2 started our schools journey through Holy week, leading up to Easter. We have gathered together each morning to watch as each year group has reenacted parts of Jesus’ Easter journey. Each day we have taken the time to discuss, reflect, ask questions then waited in anticipation for next class to share their interpretation.

In maths we have continued working on our addition and subtraction strategies, the focus this week has been on adding and subtraction multiples of 10 to 2 digit numbers. We’ve been counting back and forth in 10s from any number up to 100 and sometimes even beyond. It has been a pacey week with lots of solid mathematical connections being made. The children have impressed me with their focus and determination, everyone’s feeling a little bit tired and ready for a break but their their enthusiasm to learn has not faltered.

Preparation for our Art Exhibition took place daily this week, the children have completed some beautiful Easter artwork and cards. Thank you to everyone who attended our event on Wednesday, the children were so excited to share their work with you. Thank you for your donations, which will be going to CAFOD.

Our non chronological reports on the RNLI are looking great, the children have used their computing skills to search for and locate relevant information to include in their reports and used their knowledge from our english lessons to pull it all together into some fantastic reports. After half term in history we will focus on The Mexico Disaster, in which local lifeboat men perished in their attempt to rescue others. We will be visiting St Annes Lifeboat Station on 19th April.

In RE, we have written postcards from the perspective of bystanders in the crowds on Palm Sunday. We have thought about the feelings and excitement of the crowds, describing what they could see and hear. Our Palm Sunday worship last Friday has really helped us with this.

The entries for the decorated egg competition were fantastic, well done to our class winner Alice.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


We can’t end this week without celebrating your amazing performance in our Palm Sunday Worship. The whole class were so excited that you were going to play alongside their singing. You amazed us all, you got better each time you played. I’ve since heard that you have never played electronic drums before! By the time it came to our worship you had only played 4 or 5 times - you are so talented Liam and we proud of your creativity and courage.


For being a resilient learner in maths, there has been some tricky work this week and you have been resilient and brave. You have worked hard and not given up even when things haven’t quite worked out the first time. You are always putting your hand up and having a go. Well done Martha, you are becoming a great problem solver and mathematician.

This week’s Star Readers are Scarlett, Ellie-Rose, Anna, Lucia and Rodnie.


Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
School reopens on Monday 17th April
Lifeboat Station Visit - Wednesday 19th April - Please ensure your child brings a coat to school.
Library Visit - Wednesday 3rd May

Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

Have a lovely Easter break,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher