‘A little magic can take you a long way.’
Roald Dahl
I can’t believe we at the end of another week already! Even though there are only a few weeks left we have lots of exciting activities planned.
Maths: We continued our addition work and made up our own number stories using the ten frames, ‘first I had 5 chocolates, then I had 3 more, now there are 8 chocolates’ we used 2 different colour counters to represent our objects and told our stories the class. We were very creative.
English: We discussed pet shops and looked around one online then we came up with our own sentences, ‘I went the the pet shop and saw a fluffy dog with a long tail’. We worked in groups to think about how we coud look after a pet rabbit, next week we are going to make posters using our work bank sheets.
Gym Jam Jog: What a great turn out we loved running in our Pjs and eating toast together in the classroom. Thank you for your support it was lovely to see all the children and grown ups enjoying themselves.
Yesterday we all completed a mini first aid course, we learnt how to put a plaster on, who we call when there is an emergency and what we can do if someone is lying on their back and needs help. We loved listening to the story the mini adventures of Freddie especially because we have a Freddie in our class too!

This was our finial visit to the library in Year 1 we listened to a poem and a Roald Dahl traditional story, we returned books and borrowed new ones. We were very pleased to see our picture that we made to say thank you for the library was in the children area. There’s an exciting summer challenge that starts on 1st July pop into the library to find out more information.
Upcoming Trips:
We have lots of exciting trips coming up.
Ridgeway Farm:
On Tuesday 4th July we will be visiting Ridgeway farm, as part of our Science, Geography and DT topic.
On Thursday 6th July in the morning we will be visiting St Annes Farmers Market, we will meet and chat to the different stall holders to find out more about where their produce has come from.
On Tuesday 11th July we are going to look at St Annes Railway station and walk to the front to ride the miniature train and have an ice-cream. This is linked to our English topic Trains.
The total cost for these trips will be £13.50, Mrs Hodges has put the trip on Parent Pay.
Let’s Celebrate:
Well done to our awardees, a Kiki Chameleon for creative storytelling and a Bobby Bee for enthusiasm in RWI.
Henry is going home with this person for a brilliant week, you have been a very kind friend and been very focused in all lessons especially RWI.
Reading Challenge: Unfortunately due to staff illness, we didn’t get chance to check certificates or change books, we will do this next week. Thank you for your understanding.
Sports Day is on Thursday 6th July at 1:30, we have been practising and are excited for you to come and watch us.
Preparing for the weather: As the weather is improving children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any sun cream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves, roll on sun creams are easier to apply. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.
Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.
Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.
Please bring in spare clothes for your child.
Please check the home learning section for the homework,
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher