‘Teamwork is at the heart of great achievements’.

What a busy but very exciting week with wonderful opportunities to create new memories as school family!

This week we enjoyed a triumphant sports day and the children had a brilliant time joining in with all of the games and activities. Then they still managed to find the energy to complete numerous laps for our Gym Jam Jog event - I don’t know where they all find the energy! Thank you again for your support on these day’s and for your generous sponsorships. It really is wonderful to be able to enjoy these events as a whole school community.

What have we been learning this week?

Literacy: This week we have continued to challenge ourselves by writing our own sentences based on the book ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy. We began by reading and discussing the story together as a whole class and then used this understanding to think of our own sentences. The children have blown us away with the progress that they are making and they have really listened carefully to the sounds they can hear in words, their letter formation and remembering to use capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.

Understanding the World: This week was the grand opening of our new Airport role play area and the children have been busy making their own passports, luggage and taking on various roles such as passport control, pilot, co pilot, air stewards and passengers. They were also thrilled to receive a very special video message from a pilot who has very kindly offered to answer any questions that Reception might have; we needed a large piece of paper to write them all down!

Let’s Celebrate!

Determined Sadie Spider: Ronnie!
Ronnie, it has been wonderful to see how much you have grown in confidence and resilience throughout your Reception journey. We are so proud to see how you can face a challenge and how you channel your inner Sadie Spider to help you stay determined even if something doesn’t work the first time. Keep up this brilliant determination and always believe in yourself!
Well done Ronnie!

Determined Sadie Spider: Theo!
Theo, this week you have blown us away with your determined attitude towards your writing. It was wonderful to see how proud you were of your piece of work and your determination to challenge yourself with a longer sentence and hearing lots of our new ‘special friend’ sounds in your words was brilliant to see. You were beaming with pride and I know you’ll be excited to share this writing at home too!
Well done Theo!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Wishing you all a wonderful half term break,
God Bless.

The Reception Team