Nativity Special

I’m sure you will agree when I say how splendidly the children performed in our Foundation Nativity this week. The nursery team are so very proud of them all.

If you cast your mind back to September… you can see how every single child has grown in confidence and self belief. It takes a great deal of courage to stand in front of an audience and perform and that confidence is down to nursery and parents working together. I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to you! You have trusted us with your precious children and we are grateful for that trust. We can’t wait to see where we can take their learning after Christmas!

After discussion with the whole team we though we would like to dedicate this blog to all things ‘Nativity’.

On Monday we visited the school worship area for the first time to look at the Nativity scene. The children all could talk about their part in the play and the true meaning of the birth of Christ. We then read the story ‘Little Owl and the Star, a Christmas Story’. Click here to listen.

After story we wrote a prayer on the prayer wall. The children wanted to write “ hello Baby Jesus” with lots of kisses.

Your child’s key person has written a short blog but all the Nativity photos will be at the end of the blogs.

Colette’s blog

Hello everyone.

I’m sure you will agree that your children have given the most amazing performance this week. It has been such a privilege for us Nursery Ladies to see them share this wonderful story with you all. Such a talented bunch! Thank you for all your wonderful  support from home too!

We have enjoyed watching a clip of the Nativity story being told by sand drawings. The children have enjoyed spotting all the characters in the story. Click here to watch it together.

We have continued to practice our sounds i,n,g,p,o and we are looking out for these sounds all around nursery too. We have also been doing our best to be ‘shape detectives.’ We are getting very good at spotting circles, squares, rectangles, triangles (especially upside down triangles) and even the odd pentagon and hexagon. Why don’t you ask your children if they can spot any shapes at home? Click here to watch another shape song.

Have a lovely weekend!


Michelle’s blog

Well, what a fantastic week that was! Well done to everyone for a fantastic nativity performance, we hope you enjoyed it! We have been practising singing our songs and we felt so amazing in our costumes.

As well as performing our nativity, we have continued to work on learning our letter sounds, some are a bit more tricky than others but we have worked really hard to think of words that start with our new sounds. Maybe your child can find some objects at home that begin with i, n, g ,p or o.

We have continued to learn how number 5 can be made lots of different ways and have enjoyed singing number rhymes. We love 5 sticky lollipops and 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed. Number rhymes are a fantastic way of reinforcing numbers and the concept of taking away.

If you are looking for inspiration for some ideas for learning at home, here are some of the best blogs and websites.

We have made the best of the weather, although it has been cold, we have had lots of fun making obstacle courses with crates and planks.

Physical play is so beneficial to children’s development in all areas, not just physical development but cognitive and personal and emotional development too. If you have some spare time over the Christmas holidays, go outside, ride a bike or climb at the park.  Any sort of physical activity not only grows children’s brains but also helps them to sleep better too– double win!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we will see you next week

 Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What a week! The children were all amazing in the Nativity performance. It was so lovely to see them all performing for you all and seeing everyone’s happy faces as they watched. All the Nursery ladies were so proud of them all. Well done everyone!

We have been busy this week making Christmas things to bring home – you may have noticed your child coming home with little bits of glitter on them! They can’t wait to show you what they have made.

We have been busy making obstacle courses in the garden this week – we had to be extra careful as the ice had made the garden all sparkly! We worked as a team to help our friends if they were struggling and we made some great creations.

We have continued spotting our sounds in the classroom – they are everywhere! We also played a game where we had to pop the sound bubbles – here it is if you would like to play at home (choose set 1 or 2 for the sounds we have been practising). Phonic pop click here

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


Strep A information for Parents

As you will of heard on the news there have been cases of Strep A in communities all over the country. Lancashire County Council has sent out information for you to read. Click on the buttons below to find out more.


Click here to watch Geraldine Giraffe find out about ‘p’

Click here to watch Geraldine Giraffe find out about ‘g’

Click here to watch Geraldine Giraffe find out about ‘o’

Nativity DVD

If you would like to order a DVD of Tuesday’s Nativity performance could you please send in £10 cash in a named envelope by Monday 12th December. You will receive a digital film code before we break for the Christmas holidays!

Lastly, I think all the children(and adults) have earned a long rest this weekend, Christmas is exhausting! We have lots more Christmas activities planned for next week…including making Baby Jesus a birthday cake!! The children have chosen a VERY chocolatey one covered in sweets!! No pressure…..

Thank you for being wonderful

God Bless
