Year 1 Homework 3.2.23

This week we continued our computing sessions please continue to practise logging on and off purple mash.

On Wednesday we are going to church for our RE topic to watch an exemplar baptism and learn about the features of a church. We have thought of some questions for Father Peter too.

For your homework, I would love it if you could bring in a picture of you when you were baptised (these can be stuck in homework books or I can photocopy in school to stick in) and a bit of information about what happened during the day. Or find out some information about baptisms what happens? Please could this be done for Monday as this is when our next RE lesson is.

We have listened to everyone read in school this week and all books have been changed, please can you continue reading at home, thank you.

Next weeks spellings are:

other brother would

should mother could

You can use your homework book to practise these spellings, the children will be tested on Friday.


Competition set by Mrs Gregan - to be in on Monday 6th February (optional)

Thank you

Miss Drummond