Year 2 Weekly Blog 3rd February 2023 - 'Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning' William Arthur Ward

We have had an another amazing, productive week in Year 2. As we approach the half way through the year point, I’m really noticing how the children are growing, not only in height but as independent learners.

In English, we have been researching and gathering information about barn owls in preparation for writing our non chronological reports next week. We have been sorting the information we have collected under subheadings and have even found some fascinating facts for our fact boxes!

During indoor PE, we watched a clip about sea creature then spoke about how they moved around their habitat. We then replicated those moves with our dance partners. I wonder if the children could share some of their moves at home.

On Tuesday, World Mental Health Day, we really enjoyed our Yoga session with The Yogi group. The children learnt about breathing techniques and when they might use them, as well as a few tricky yoga poses.

The children have been using their photography skills in science to take picture of micro habitats around the school.

In Geography, we talked about places we have visited around the world and how we got to them. Next week we’ll be putting al the information together in graphs.

After half term we will be visiting St. Anne’s library, the library is such a wonderful place for the children to visit and further enhance their love of books and stories. Please fill in this short form to let me know if your child is a member of the library or not. Please don’t worry if they aren’t, prior to our visit I will make arrangements and send any necessary forms home so your child can become a member too.

Library Membership

Let’s Celebrate

Bea is a wonderful member of our class. She sets a fantastic example to everyone. Her work is always completed to the best of her ability and she is always focused and ready to learn. Bea’s manners are impeccable, you really are a credit to our class and school.

Alice, you’ve been a real Creative Kiki Chameleon in our English lessons. You’ve used superb adjectives to describe the wolf and the characters in your story.  It is wonderful to see your creative flair, not just in your writing but across the whole curriculum. You think outside the box and have some wonderful ideas.


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Although the weather is a little brighter, it’s still cold outside - please ensure your child brings coat to school every day.

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

Have a great weekend,
Mrs Marham , Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher