Year 1 Homework 26.5.23

We have been working on accurate reading rather than speedy reading in preparation for our Phonics screening, there are three things to remember: special friends (ai, igh, o-e), Fred Talk(sound it out loud), read the word. I have given everyone flashcards to practise their accurate reading it is not a race, it is important that they take their time, find the special friends first and say each sound this will help them blend properly. Try and practice words with chatty friends ( a-e, e-e, o-e, i-e, u-e) these are harder to find and alien words as we want to make then into real words. Words like whike, stroke, smung and spran are tricky as sometimes the children want to add extra letters (smung: smug/ suming, spran: sprant, or mix up ‘ro’ and ‘or’ stroke: storke). If you have any questions please email me and I can help.

Here are some more flashcards that you can use, if needed. There is no need to print them off you can show them on an iPad or computer.

Spellings will continue after half term so your child can focus on their phonics, please access these helpful resources below and use the websites the children love playing the games. If you any extra support, information please email me and I can help you.

 Thank you for all of your support the children have made so much progress this year and I am incredibly proud of them :)

Have a lovely break.

Miss Drummond