Year 1 Weekly Blog 26.5.23 'Not trying is much worse than failing.'

‘Not trying is much worse than failing.’

A World Without Failures by Esther Pia Cordova

What another busy week we have had, we have been incredibly focused in our RWI sessions to help prepare us for our phonics screening, this will take place the week we return to school Monday 12th June- Friday 16th June. It is really important that you use your phonics pack to practise and maintain their hard work at school as 2 weeks is a long time. It doesn’t need to be hours just a quick 10 minutes daily (if possible) or as much as you can, something is better than nothing at all. Once again thank you for all of your support at home, it is wonderful to hear how excited the children are to share their learning with you at home. I have been told about phonics lessons at home and I can see how proud they are, and we are too :). Here are the links again we love these games.

Maths: We have continued writing ‘equations’ (e.g. 5 + 2 = 7), we have been checking that the plus and equal symbols are in the right place. We have been telling our own number stories to each other and writing the correct equations to match.

English: We have been amazed by all of the children’s writing this week, they have used their innovated story maps to retell their own story independently. It has been great that they have been focused and have not given up when they have found it difficult and most importantly applying their phonics knowledge to support them.

 PE: We loved our extra PE lesson on Thursday afternoon with Year 2 to practise our sport day activities. We did it again today and are excited to show you when it is our sports day.

Music: look at our brilliant performance of us and down, this time we used musical instruments.

On Thursday I set the children a challenge, could they play with somebody they don’t normally play with in our class. At first we were a bit worried, but we were up for the challenge. I was so pleased to hear all the lovely stories and games they played together, most children decided to sit next to them at lunch time and most importantly we all had fun. I am so proud of all the lovely friendships we have developed in our class and we are being kind friends to each other by making sure nobody is by themselves.

Upcoming Trips:


Our final trip to the library will be on Friday 23rd June, please bring in your library cards, if you would like your child to take a book home.

Ridgeway Farm:

On Tuesday 4th July we will be visiting Ridgeway farm, I will provide more details after half term.

Let’s Celebrate:

Congratulations to our awardees: two ‘Bobby Bees’ for their fantastic innovated independent stories, well done.

Henry is going home with this person for always making good choices and being brave and playing with new friends, well done :).

Reading Challenge: Well done to these children who received their certificates, there are so many that are very close, keep up the hard work :). I will be creating some new certificates for next half term for those who have achieved their platinum award.


  • Preparing for the weather: As the weather is improving children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any sun cream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves, roll on sun creams are easier to apply. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

Have a lovely break

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher