'The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you'.

And just like that we have finished the first half of our final term in Reception - and what a wonderful half term it has been! We have really see the children flourish and their enthusiasm for learning has continued to amaze us. Brains have certainly been growing - so much that one child even said “Mrs Hartley what if they don’t fit anymore!”

Reception, you have worked so hard this half term and we are all incredibly proud of you. Have a wonderful time with your families, have a rest over the half term and come back ready for even more brain growing!

What have we been learning this week?

Maths: This week we have continued to explore how ten can be made from two parts and have played some games to help us get speedier at recalling these number bond facts. When we were bowling, we had to see how many pins were left standing up to work out how many pins we had knocked down. We used the song ‘ten hot sausages sizzling in a pan’ to create our own version to see how many sausages were left in the pan after 1 got too hot and popped out!

RE: This week we have reflected on Jesus’s ascension and have been re-telling it in our own words. Have a look at some of our fantastic writing in the pictures below…

Understanding the World: This week we have been reading the story ‘Rhythm of the rain’ by Grahame Barker-Smith. In this story, we heard about a young boy who was curious to find out what journey his jar of water would go on after he emptied it into his favourite pool on the mountainside. Reception listened intently as we heard how his water ‘raced through the sparkling streams’, ‘tumbled over waterfalls’ and eventually came down as rain on a ‘parched village’. When we listen to stories, Reception are always curious about new vocabulary that they hear, this week, we picked out some vocabulary from the story that we thought made it more exciting: winding, flowed, leapt, tumbling and plunged. They also remembered some key vocabulary that we have learnt throughout our water topic this half term: meandered, source and the mouth of the river. After reading the story we were inspired to take a closer look at the beautiful pictures and write what we could see. Take a look at some of our wonderful writing in the pictures below…

Half term challenges from Fred!


Reception, check your reading packets for some phonics challenges from Fred.
Have a practise over the holidays - let’s keep growing our brains!

Let’s Celebrate!

Enthusiastic and Curious Learner: Daisy!
Daisy, this half term you have become such a confident writer and it’s been wonderful to see how much you enjoy writing and sharing your ideas with others. You listen carefully and ask questions about the sounds you hear in words; those questions show us that you are always looking for opportunities to grow your brain! Thank you for inspiring us with your enthusiasm and for showing us what we can achieve when we ask the right questions.
Well done Daisy!

Determined Learner: Olivia! H(ow)
Olivia, it’s been such a joy to watch you on your reading and writing journey through Reception and we are so proud of how much you have achieved. You face every task and activity with determination and your confidence is growing each week. We have been really impressed with your independent writing; especially how you are listening carefully to the sounds in words and taking your time to think about your letter formation. We cannot wait to see what you achieve next half term!
Well done Olivia!

Butterfly Virtue - Attentive: Rhys!
Rhys, you are such a thoughtful friend; you think about others in the class and you notice how they might be feeling. You help others by suggesting solutions to ‘solve a problem’, you seek help and comfort those who might be feeling sad and what’s truly wonderful to see is that you notice when others are feeling proud and you share and celebrate that achievement with them. Thank you for being such a caring and supportive friend in our class.
Well done Rhys!

Art - Summer 2

Next half term, Reception will be starting Art classes with Mrs Neves who has lots of exciting art activities planned for them!

In order to have lots of fun in art (whilst keeping uniforms as clean as possible!) the children will need to bring in an old large t-shirt to wear during their art classes. This will be worn during painting and clay activities so it will get messy; it also needs to be large enough that it covers as much of their uniform as possible.
These t-shirts will remain in school during the next half term.

Thank you, we look forward to sharing lots of exciting art with you very soon!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

Upcoming events:

  • Reception and Nursery’s Sports day will be on Monday 19th June.

  • On Friday 30th June we will be having our annual whole school Gym Jam Jog event; sponsor forms can be found in reading packets.

    As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Wishing you all a wonderful half term break,
God Bless.

The Reception Team