Year 1 Homework 22.9.23

Reading Books

All the children now have reading books, I have also sent home a bookmark, these are to there to help support you, by giving examples of questions you can ask while reading.

The colour of the bookmark is not the RWI group your child is in, as all the reading schemes are different. However they link to the books they are reading, for example purple RWI will have blue bookmarks, green will have yellow.

Please read little and often, we want to encourage reading for pleasure, not turn reading into a chore. If you are finding that your child is reluctant to read at home or you have any questions please send me an email and we will come up with ideas to help support you.

From next week all children will be listened to in school by an adult.

Science Homework

My homework this week is to bring in or email me a picture of you when you were a baby please can this be done before Wednesday as it will link to our Science lesson.

Purple Mash

We will be starting our Computing lessons over the next few weeks, as an ongoing challange please can you teach your child how to log on and off Purple Mash, this will save us a lot of time and help us start and complete our lessons. The log on cards are stuck in the front of their yellow reading record books.

Here is some more information about Purple Mash:

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond