Year 1 Weekly Blog 22.9.23 'Imagination is the beginning of creation'

'Imagination is the beginning of creation'

George Bernard Shaw

In English we read a bit more of Superato and hot seated the characters Mrs Carrot and Mr Cucumber. We were shocked to discover on Friday a crime scene in our classroom! The evil pea left us a letter so we decided next week we will make posters to put up around the school to find the evil pea!

Thank you everyone for filling in the consent forms, here is our fruity poem video from last week:

We have enjoyed lots of practical maths activities this week and are working hard on becoming independent learners by challenging ourselves, well done!

RE: We made Thank you cards for God and we thanked him for the creation we thought was the the most important.

Can you have a discussion at home which creation do you think is most important and why?

We then worked in groups and retold the story of creation, I was very impressed the children worked on this independently and came up with some wonderful actions.

Outdoor Explorers: we were excited to start our first outdoor explorers session on Friday, we found lots of leaves and sticks and used them to create our names and different words.

Dan Worsley - Author Visit

We loved Dan Worsley visiting us this week, first he told us a story in his assembly then we had our own workshop. We made wanted posters, we used our imagination to create and describe our own pirates, don’t they look great!

We had our first Kidsafe lesson today and talked all about Yukky feelings and trust. We revisit Kidsafe each year as the messages are so important. After each lesson, a letter will be uploaded to the blog, giving your more information on the themes covered so that you can talk about them together at home.

Induction evening

It was lovey to meet you all last week, I know the children loved showing you around our classroom. Here is a presentation with more information about Year 1:

Upcoming trip:

On Wednesday 11th October we will be going to the library, I have sent home a library registration form for you to fill in if your child does not have a library card. We will visit the library every half term this first session is learning about the library then on our next sessions we can choose a library book to take home. It would be wonderful if all the children could have a library membership.


Well done to our certificate awardees:

Henry is going home with this person for super reading in RWI well done :).

Congratulations to our Year 1 Class Counsellors the children all voted for who they would like to represent the class :).


Monday - PE outside.

Tuesday- Art (if you have not already please bring an old oversized T-shirt for our Art lessons)

Friday- PE inside and outdoor explorers

Homework will be set every Friday and is due back on Thursday at the latest so it gives me time to mark and share their work with the class.

Show and tell will be every Friday, if your child has something exciting they would like to share such as certificates, something they have made or talk about somewhere they have been, we would love to hear about it. I am happy for you to email me photos if it is easier.


  • Please can you all check that you have the right PE jacket/hoodies we are missing a few in our class.

  • There have been a few football and pokemon cards coming into school, please can they stay at home as I don’t want any to get lost.

  • Please can your child not wear smart watches to school.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at:

    Thank you for all of your support 

Have a wonderful weekend

Miss Drummond, Mrs Carragher and Mrs Davis