Year 3 Weekly Blog 22.9.23 ‘You can make anything by writing.’

Our class worship this week was led by Myles and Ava, they shared the prayers they had written and the children enjoyed singing their chosen hymns. It’s always so lovely to start the day with singing and was a beautiful way to start our week.

Our school virtue butterflies this week go to Joseph and Lena for being curious and active learners. We are so proud of the contribtions you are making to class learning and the curious questions you have been asking.

Our maths lessons have focused on using number facts we know to help us add three numbers. The children have been impressing us with their rapid recall of number bonds and their mental addition strategies. Next week we will revisiting bridging 10, remembering strategies we learnt in year 2 and building on those.
The children log ins for TT Rock star can now be found stuck in the front covers of their homework books, please encourage your children to log in and practise their times tables. We have continued telling the time in minutes. The children know that there are 60 minutes in an hour and have been calculating how much is left in an hour if an amount of time has passed e.g. if is it 23 minutes past 3, there are 37 minutes until it is 4 o‘clock. Please keep practising telling the time at home; this is a skill that will only be embedded with lots of practise.

On Tuesday the author Dan Worsley visited school and delivered a fantastic writing workshop all about pirates in Year 3. The children were totally captivated and inspired, their ideas were great. The children started putting together descriptions of their pirates as well as describing how they felt coming face to face with them. It was amazing to see the confidence of the children soar when they wore Dan’s storytelling waistcoat as they shared their ideas with the class.

In computing we watched a short clip about appropriate content on the internet - we talked about what we thought was appropriate and what we should do if we came across anything we felt inappropriate. The children worked on a collaborate piece on purple mash, listing things they may come across online and how they might make them feel. As a class we identified who our trusted adults are, at school and at home - the children were great at this and are confident about who they can report any worries they have to. This linked perfectly to our Kidsafe lesson where we talked about inappropriate images and material on the internet. The session letter can be found opposite.

In geography this week, the children learned all about the physical features of the Arctic. They drew an arctic landscape and then labelled the physical features with wonderful terminology.


Scarlett - For being a determined learner. Scarlett, you have shown this week just how resilient you are. You’ve worked your socks off in every lesson and have been bursting with enthusiasm and curiosity…all with a broken bone! You are an inspiration to us all, that even when things are hard we can always find something to smile about! ! Well done Scarlett!

Emilia- What a great start to Year 3 you have had, you approach all lessons and opportunities with a can do and focused learning attitude ensuring you get the very most out of every lesson. You ask relevant and interesting questions to deepen your understanding and enhance the learning of those around you. You are great example of a Curious Clara Clownfish. Well done Emilia.


  • Please fill in the medical and consent forms, if you are yet to do so.

  • The children will be going to the library on the 28th September to change their books. Don’t forget your library books and library card. We will be leaving school at 2pm and would be very grateful of some extra adult support. If you are free, please can you email Mrs Marshall, it would be great to have one more volunteer.

  • Payment for our trip to the Manchester Museum on Friday 13th October, is now on Parent Pay.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Connolly