Year 3 25.02.22 'The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see' Mary Davis

Year 3 have so much to be grateful for, and as we begin this new half term with our two new virtues grateful and generous, it makes you realise just how much we have to be grateful for. These two virtues are perfect as we journey through lent. We have had yet another different week in Year 6 and we are extremely grateful to have used their classroom, offering us a space to continue our exciting learning. On Monday Miss Hornby arrived at school and was met with an extremely wet Year 3 classroom after there was a leak from one on the radiators, but thankfully this has now all been fixed and cleaned, and we have moved back to our classroom once more, hopefully for the last time this year!

Goodness me, we have some extremely determined learners this week, they have clearly rested and relaxed during half term and are now eager to show us just what they can do in their learning. We have had some efficient Mathematicians, expert writers who have took their time to improve and control their handwriting and even some budding actors this week …

Year 3 Learning this week …

In English we have been reading an extract from the folk tale ‘The Green Children’ and we have been acting out the verbs and actions of this story to help us understand events. We have inferred the characters actions and used our drama skills to gain a deeper understanding of the characters thoughts and feelings. Take a look at our wonderful freeze frames below, depicting when Clac and the other cottars stumble across to GREEN children!

In Mathematics the children have applied all their strategies they have to learnt to help them bridge to tackle some tricky problems and puzzles. We have looked carefully at the the inverse calculations and used stem sentences to add multiples of ten to 100.

In music …

Let’s Celebrate!

Liam for… Showing great enthusiasm and focus in your lessons! It is an absolute joy to watch you grow, learn and master new skills in Year 3! You show such curiosity within each lesson, making connections to your previous learning and experiences. It was lovely to hear your interest towards our new Science topic. Well done Liam!

Archie for…. being a wonderful learning partner! Archie you respect, appreciate and care for each and every member of our class! Daily, we watch you help others and celebrate their achievements. This kindness never goes unmissed. Thank you!


  • World book day is next Thursday 3rd March and we will be celebrating its 25th anniversary! For this day, we would like to invite the children to dress up as their favourite book characters, it would be great if the children could bring the book also with them, so they can share this with the rest of the class.

  • Don’t forget our open afternoon on Wednesday 16th March to look at your child’s learning. You book this through the form found on the last week’s blog on the discovery page.

  • If you haven’t already, please book your Parent meeting via the newsletter on the discovery page. These meetings will be held on Wednesday 9th March and Wednesday 23rd March from 2:30pm - 5:30pm.