Well what a busy week we have had in year 4! We have blasted back into our learning like erupting volcanoes!
This half term our Jesuit Virtues are ‘Grateful and Generous.’ We have talked about the importance of seeing the good in each other and being grateful for our friends, our family and our world. In our worship, we have been reflecting on how we can use our bodies to be Christ’s body here on Earth, showing generosity to those around us and ‘Doing small things with great love.’
Class council
In our class council this week, we have started discussing our almsgiving during Lent. The school will be focusing on CAFOD’s ‘Walk Against Hunger.’ We will be trying to walk each day as a class and are planning a reachable target.
We have been gaining a deep understanding of the relationships between our times tables this week - focusing on the 2x 4x and 8x table. Children have been busy constructing the 8x table and noticing patterns such as 4x4 + 4x4 = 8 x 4. In our English lessons we have been writing a story of ‘The Dragon Slayer,’ trying hard to include all our Year 4 features of writing. Here are a few pictures of the children making arrays and being bookworms!
In our Geography lessons, children have shown an excellent understanding of the earth’s structure and how volcanoes erupt. We used sweet treats again to find out about tectonic plate boundaries and how they move in different ways to create earthquakes and volcanoes. We then conduced map work, looking at physical and tectonic maps of the world to find countries, cities, mountains and rivers.
In music, we have started to learn all about Samba! We even performed some with body percussion. Children are getting very good on their recorders and hopefully, some time in the future we will be able to perform for you.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, our certificate winners are as follows:
A Lizzie Ladybird certificate goes to Edi for striving to improve in all he does. You are very responsive when given any advice on how to get better at things and it is really showing in your work.
A Kiki Chameleon certificate goes to Daisy for considering her ideas really carefully and creatively. You always give your best and put thought into what you do.
Music stars this week were Georgia and Leon.
Swimming stars were Tabby, Anncia, Max and Leo
PE stars were Stanley and Dominic for some excellent throwing skills.
WORLD BOOK DAY: World book day is on Thursday 3rd March and we will be celebrating its 25th anniversary! For this day, we would like to invite the children to dress up as their favourite book characters!
SWIMMING CONTINUES on Mondays - prompt at 8.30am
Also from Thursday 10th March - we will be going swimming twice a week. This will be the same time on a Thursday morning - 8.30am. Then sessions will end at Easter. This will be their second PE slot - so no PE on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Attention Year four… Art News
Year four, after we finish our Money Containers topic, we are moving on to Textiles and we will be tie dyeing a tshirt. So you will need to bring in a white tshirt, put your name on the label and bring it to school as soon as possible, we start the week after next. It can be a new one or a school or home tshirt that has gone a little grubby, it must not have any designs on it though. The good news is, that after we have finished with it in art, you can wear it to school with your PE kits on PE days to show off your creativity.
PARENT APPOINTMENTS - These are now live! Please sign up for an online meeting with me to discuss your child’s progress and targets. Also see if you can make it on Friday 11th March to look at your child’s books. I would love to see you there and meet you properly and they would love you to see how hard they work!
Have a peaceful weekend and lets hope this wind calms down!
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.