This week....

It’s great to see everyone full of energy and raring to get learning after the holidays, and a huge well done to everyone who completed the half term challenges. We loved seeing the photos and chatting with the children about their work, thank you.

The children this week have been extremely busy. They are all still excited about the planets and space…I think they will continue finding out facts forever! A friend came to share with everyone that he had discovered Saturn had 82 moons! Wow!!

However, next week we will be introducing some new learning (as well as space). The children have a keen interest in fairies and other fantasy worlds and creatures. Perhaps you have fairies living at the bottom of your garden, just like we have discovered in our nursery garden.

Click on the button below to look at our plans for March! We are going to have great fun learning!

Key person blog

We have all settled back in so beautifully this week, eager to see our friends, share our holiday news and get back to growing our brains! We have played some lovely games in our Seaside Café; the role play has been wonderful, with lots of orders being taken, written down and then served! The playdough creations have been fabulous this week too - trays of cakes and chocolates amongst the many! Some of us have painted using magnets...we dragged paperclips through the paint to see what patterns and colour mixing we could do. It was great fun!

We also had a look at our friend Numberblock Five. Five arrives to get the band together, and the party started, with a big high five! Click here to see the friends 1-5. Some children accepted the challenge to draw round their hand to show ‘5’ and to be creative with number caterpillars. There was lots of Tommy Turtles having a go at writing numbers1-5! Well done children!!

Click here to to watch

 The nursery ladies were amazed at how many words the children came up with that start with ‘c’!! It was a colossal amount!! Geraldine the Giraffe found some we hadn't thought of in her search...can you come up with 5 ‘c’ words at home? Watch Geraldine here!

Colette, Hannah, Michelle, Justine and Frances


In the lead up to Christmas, during Advent, together with the school we raised money for Brian House, a charity close to all our hearts, which provides much comfort to parents in times of great need. We have finally reached that magic £1,000 and have sent off the cheque last week. During Lent we are hoping to match this again.

As in previous years nursery will be sending home a named raisin box fir each child. We are asking that the children eat the raisins (mmm yummy) and then fill the box with money ( preferably silver coins). You may want to ask your child to complete a small act of kindness for each coin! When it is full please send it back to nursery to be counted.

Last year was a bumper year for donations, it would be great if could surpass it this year! No pressure parents!

In nursery we will be continuing our acts of kindness by growing and extra bit of love each day. Every time we spot a friend being kind and thoughtful to another they win a smiley face to put on our Lenten promise love heart. I bet we fill it!

I will keep you updated with how things are going.


Our worship this week was about our personal tastes and how we differ from one another. We learnt about how to recognise and describe our feelings as well as some ways of managing their emotions.

Our prayers acknowledged our moods and reassured us that Jesus is always there for us, no matter what we are feeling.

As you can see we are always busy at nursery! It’s no wonder we are all exhausted by Friday. Try and have a good rest this weekend. I am hopeful that it won’t be windy!!
