Year 3 Home Learning 25.02.22


This week we are giving the children some high frequency words to practice. Think about the variety of spelling strategies we have used before. Which ones were the most effective in helping you to learn your spellings? Use your preferred strategy to help you this wee.

  1. would

  2. could

  3. should

  4. there

  5. their

  6. they’re

  7. to

  8. too

  9. who

  10. how


  1. In our English lessons we have been looking at synonyms for verbs. These are other words that have a similar meaning and can make our writing more exciting to read to avoid us always using the same words. Please complete IXL English DD1 and DD2 on synonyms.

  2. This week in our story we got up to the part when the main character Clac found two strange beings- the green children- huddled together in a hollow pit. Can you draw, paint, create a picture that shows this first meeting and round the picture write the feelings of these characters. It would be great if we could use these to go around our English display!


Ongoing Maths homework for the next few weeks to complete the following strands on IXL:

F1 - Subtract one digit numbers

F2- Ways to subtract

F3- Write subtractions sentences

F6 - Subtractions with pictures

F7 - Write subtraction sentences based on pictures