"Observe and reflect, and become a little wiser everyday"

What a lovely week it has been in Year 2! The weather has been very kind to us and we have been able to enjoy our playtimes together without the disruption of rain; we’ve even seen the sun on a couple of occasions. It has also felt as though the children have brought the sunshine into the classroom with them as each lesson has started with such enthusiastic smiles and focus!

We have continued completing lots of shared reading together based upon our new topic ‘birds’. The class are all now fantastic at spotting the different features within non-chronological reports and know how to use non-fiction texts effectively. On Wednesday, we looked further into one particular bird, the owl, and the children completed their own research using a range of texts and videos to note down as many facts as they could. They then used their knowledge to write their own riddles.

Mathematics has been a little tricky this week as the children have had to switch their brains from multiplying to dividing. We have learnt how to divide by sharing and also by grouping, which feels strange after we spent so long multiplying to make the whole! We will continue developing this skill next week as we focus mainly on dividing by 2, 5 and 10.

The class became news reporters in RE, reporting on the wonderful Good News that Jesus brought to the world. They used their knowledge of ‘Jairus’ daughter’, ‘The 10 Lepers’ and ‘Jesus feeds the 5000’ to help to write their report. I would certainly watch the news more often if I could see Year 2 on my television screens; they told their reports with such expression and clarity!

The children were introduced to new science learning this week - Living things and their habitats. We shared ideas about what we already know before exploring the difference between living, dead and never lived. I couldn’t quite believe the children’s deep thinking when, after our learning, I asked the question ‘are balloons alive?’ The children used their new knowledge and vocabulary confidently in order to support their reasons.

Another fantastic week Year 2 - Well done!

Let’s Celebrate

I have been so proud of you this week Gus.  You have been managing your distractions so well and have been so focused on the learning within the classroom.  It has been wonderful to see you taking your time with your presentation and showing more pride in your work.  Your beautiful cursive handwriting even made it onto our proud cloud! Amazing work!

Grace, what an enthusiastic Bobby Bee you are!  Your confidence continues to blossom and you always play such an active role in our lessons.  You always come into school in the morning with a lovely smile on your face and are eager to discover what new knowledge you will learn that day.  Keep working hard Grace – you’re making so much progress! 


Well done Bamber - you have been awarded with the most learning points this half term and therefore can come to school on Friday 11th February wearing your house colour/own clothes.

School closes at the normal times of 3:10pm and 3:20pm for the half term holidays on Friday 11th February. School reopens on Monday 21st February.

Enjoy the weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team