Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'An open heart is an open mind.'

Every Monday, we start our week with class council led by Lorna-Jane and Adam, followed by a worship to start the week. Having the opportunity to spend time reflecting on the previous week and then setting new goals for the coming week really empowers the children. The councilors are busy planning a video to persuade the school what additional piece of playground equipment we want next - watch this space and fingers crossed we win the vote.

Our worship focused on opening our heart to all. We can often have a fixed mindset about people we meet because of first impressions. Opening our heart to everyone enables us to have an open mind and see the goodness in everyone. The children have written a note to someone in the class every day this week. Something that they like about the person, kind words and funny moments. It has been lovely to see everyone celebrate each other’s qualities.

Being an active and curious learner.

It has been another busy week in Year 6. Year 3’s interactive board broke during the week so we welcomed them with open arms into The Learning Pod next door.

  • English - The death of Tybalt and Mercutio has led our writing and discussion this week. The death of these two characters ultimately led to the death of Romeo and Juliet. After watching the 1968 version of the demise, we collected language, feelings and emotions that we could then turn into poetry. The children were given free reign on the writing and how they wanted to present them. I cannot wait to share these with you on the 25th February.

  • Maths -Back to % this week and their relationship with decimals and fractions. The children have remembered a lot of key information from before Christmas; they have really hit the ground running. On Thursdays, it is all about shape!

Science - You know it is a good lesson when a 2 hour planned lesson turns into a 4 hour lesson and much fun and quality learning is had by all. On Tuesday morning, armed with a pair of tweezers, the class were tasked with making a beak that would survive evolution. The first thing to do was to design the prototype and discuss how it would be made to pick up worms! It was evident that some birds were fast becoming extinct. There was a change in the habitat and the beak had to evolve to survive. This time, the chosen food was seeds. Again, some species died off fairly quickly. The children learnt how to organise their results and to reach conclusions. I am sure your child told you all about it!

To continue our science work, the children have been busy creating paired quizzes for our computing unit of work. This time, the design brief was to create a quiz for Year 6 children on adaptation and evolution. Click on the link below to take you our quizzes. The children have evaluated others and their own, I wonder what you will think.

RE - How would you describe kindness? What does kindness look like? What colour is kindness? What image would you associate with kindness? This fed into the offertory and what we can offer the world. RE brings so many wonderful discussions, a favourite time of the week.

Leading Learners

Well done to Georgia and Daniel this week.

Georgia, you are such a wonderfully co-operative learner and a friend. Nothing is ever too much trouble. We have witnessed you do lots of acts of kindness this week, ever so subtly so that you make your peers feel better. You are also a very honest learner, willing to share mistakes, ask for advice when unsure and tackle everything with 100% focus.

Daniel, creativity is your bag! I knew when I set poetry this week that you would excel. Not only did your poem about the death of Tybalt read forwards, you could also read it backwards - indicating a totally opposing meaning. Very clever!


  • Make sure you have read the homework page which will inform you about the revision your child is doing this week in preparation for next week. It is absolutely nothing to worry about. The children will take it all in their stride. Please ensure that they all have early nights and a good breakfast to set them up for the day.

  • Parents’ evenings are being planned for after half term - 25th February. Please make sure that you have signed up for the event so that we know to expect you.

  • You are now able to pay for the remainder of the Water Parks Residential - £300. This is available through the Parent Pay link .

  • SWIMMING - The children will be going swimming on Thursday 24th February and Thursday 3rd March. This is to complete the Water Safety element of their swimming curriculum that COVID put a stop to in Year 4. The children will need swimming costume/shorts and long sleeved top/trousers or PJS for the lessons. I will provide more information nearer the time.

Have a wonderful weekend together. Spring is definitely springing slowly but surely. Enjoy the weather and the fresh air!

Mrs Gregan