“Creative play is like a spring that bubbles up from deep within a child.” ~ Joan Almon

Creativity is never in short supply on the lunchtime break. It never ceases to amaze the staff just how creative the children can be! We have had Anglo-Saxons settling in St Annes, as the Year 4 children bring their learning to life! Horses gallop from one end of the field to the other, super heroes fighting off their foe to save the day. Vets have been conducting drop in sessions for poorly pets and shopkeepers selling their wares. Games of D to D, Tig and Stuck in the Mud, have also kept the children amused.

For the sporting fans, football, basketball and racing have been played to keep those skills finely tuned and for the children who are determined to get in those extra Kilometers, speed walking or running the perimeter of the playground. It is so humbling to see the children choosing to giving up some of their playtime in order to reach their CAFOD target.


 Let’s Celebrate!

Kitchen Team, Class Manners of the Week: Year 4

First Sitting

Class of the Week: Year 3

Role Model of the Week: Jacob, Y3 and Evie, Y5

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Ella, Y3 and Saul, Y5.


Second Sitting.

Class of the Week:  Year 4

Role Model of the Week: Hugo, Y1 and Daisy, Y4

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Fletcher, Y1 and Franek, Y4


Third Sitting.

Class of the Week:  Reception

Role Model of the Week: Henry O, Reception. Grace, Y2 and Sophie, Y6

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Blythe, Reception. Finley, Y2 and Jacob, Y6



Well done and thank you children for making lunchtimes such a lovely, fun filled time of the day!