Year 2 Weekly Blog - "Walk in Love" - Ephesians 5:2

What a jam-packed week it’s been! We started our ‘Walk Against Hunger’ for Lent this week and it has been joyous to see the whole class coming together to help those less fortunate than ourselves. The songs of choice for this week’s walking have been ‘I would walk 500 miles’ and ‘walking on sunshine’. Thank you to those who have already sponsored your child for this challenge; even just a little amount can make such a huge difference. We’ve been carrying out the challenge at the end of our lunch time, so it’s been great to see Year 6 and Reception joining in with us too.

We have been busy reading our focus story ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ in English and are now up to chapter 4. In Chapter 3, Plop was lucky enough to meet a boy scout who told him all about campfires and games he can play in the dark. We then used our knowledge of noun phrases to write some beautiful poems about what Plop could see, hear and smell whilst round the campfire and how he felt.

In Maths, we have learned all about symmetry. We’ve used vocabulary such as horizontal, vertical and diagonal to describe lines of symmetry before having a go at finishing shapes and pictures. We then moved onto sorting 2D shapes in different ways.

In Science we researched different habitats from around the world and it was wonderful to hear all of the brilliant knowledge and information the children already had about these. We travelled from the polar regions to the warmth of the savanna and the children really enjoyed delving deeper into their living things and how they are able to survive in those habitats.

As the children have now been in Year 2 for over half of the year, we felt that it was time for the children to take ownership of some prayer and liturgy sessions by leading their own worships in the chapel. The children have worked in small groups to create their plans for their liturgy; choose a theme and decide which stories and hymns will be used. So far, we’ve enjoyed two worships which have been really reflective and thought-provoking. The children have been so respectful and have shared some beautiful messages with their peers.

Let’s Celebrate

It has been wonderful to have such a positive, happy and enthusiastic learner in our class this week.  You have arrived at school each morning with a huge smile on your face and have thrown yourself into each and every learning task.  The work you have produced has been of such a high standard and I couldn’t be prouder of the progress you continue to make each week.  Well done Amelia!

You are such a kind, calm and fair role model in our class Finley.  No matter who you are working or playing with, you can ALWAYS be heard speaking with such respect and you will always speak out if you feel that something isn’t quite right.  Nothing is ever too much trouble and you will do what you can to help those around you.  We are lucky to have such a co-operative member in our class team. 


Don’t forget our open afternoon on Friday 18th March to look at your child’s learning. You book this through the form found on Miss Hornby’s blog.

It was lovely to speak to some of you on Wednesday for parents’ meetings. The next meetings will take place on Wednesday 23rd March.

After much thought we have decided that our almsgiving through Lent will focus on CAFOD’s Walk Against Hunger and we will be praying for all those around the world who are in desperate need. The children will be asking you to sponsor them as each class tries to walk at least 200K (125 miles!) over the next five weeks in our lead up to Holy Week in school. You can do this by donating on ParentPay which will be live from today. If every family donates at least £5 in sponsorship we should be able to head towards that magical £1000 for this very worthy cause. In the past a few families have collected Lenten alms with wider family and friends and passed on the donation to our chosen charity so we will put this item on ParentPay showing a range for the amount to be donated but there are no expectations and all donations are gratefully received. Below are some of the items and support which CAFOD is hoping to provide:

  • £12 can buy ingredients to make a highly nutritious sesame seed paste so a new mum can help her malnourished child grow big and strong

  • £20 can fund expert nutrition and healthcare classes for new mums and dads in rural communities

  • £200 can feed ten malnourished children sesame paste for a week, helping them grow big and strong

  • £500 can provide an entire community with pepper seeds for planting season

  • £600 can help local experts deliver a highly effective door-to-door campaign in rural communities, training people in proper sanitation, hygiene and nutrition

In Year 2 we have decided that each week we will walk/dance/skip/hop/sing around the school field to different songs with ‘walk’ in the lyrics. There may be an exception one week as the children have suggested doing the ‘macarena’ all the way round!

Enjoy the weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.