Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Your greatness is not what you have, it is what you give.'

It has been a really quiet week in class due to the amount of illness that seems to have found its way in. Thank you to all of the parents and children who have been at home this week, remaining in touch with me and sending me examples of the work that you have been completing. We have felt your presence despite you being at home. The meticulous hygiene routines that we have in school have continued to ensure that we all can be as safe as possible. Thank you for your support and your diligence.

Turning to the Cross

Yesterday, our sturdy group of twenty intrepid explorers set off from school and headed towards St Bedes. We missed those of you who are at home, but we made sure that we completed the journey on your behalf too. A few blisters, sore legs and hungry stomachs later, we arrived ready to take part in a short worship in the chapel. It really was a special moment to share with the class.

Arriving back at school after 13km (8 miles) we were all tired and definitely ready for our beds last night. We have smashed our target of 200km during Lent, but are now even more determined to see how many more we can get. Next week will be a week of silly races to add to our Walk Against Hunger.

The children were just fabulous yesterday and deserve to be sponsored! You can do this by donating on ParentPay and choosing how much you would like to donate. You might want to rally your family and do one big donation. Thank you for your support.

CAFOD launched a National Assembly today, about Walk for Hunger, which we watched in class. Please click on the button below to watch - it really does hit home just how many children are suffering around the world due to malnutrition.

I really enjoyed the first parents’ evening on Wednesday. Having seen a lot of you the week before to look at your children’s books, it was great to continue the conversation about your child’s learning virtually. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of you on the 23rd March 2.30 - 5.30pm.

Leading Learners

Well done to our two enthusiastic learners this week.

Jessica and Adam

Both of these children have been brimming with enthusiasm for all of our lessons; giving 100% and always with a smile on their faces. Thank you for bringing light to our classroom.

Water Parks

Thank you to all of you who managed to make it to the Water Parks meeting on Monday. For those of you who were unable to come I have attached a video of the presentation onto the blog. You may have seen this before, but it will give you all of the relevant information. Please also check the kit list on the button below.

Have a lovely weekend.

I hope we start to rebuild our class family on Monday.

Mrs Gregan