Hand in hand with fairy grace.....

A very special week has occurred in nursery. It stared with a special visitor coming to nursery, a fairy called Fairy Love (the children named her). She helped us to investigate the fantasy world of all things fairies and pixies. We even found fairy footprints in nursery and the garden as well as a sprinkle of fairy dust!

Fairy Love brought us some tiny potions bottles full of magic. We have started to make up our own spells and potions in the water play. It was a different colour every day with different pixie dust…..better beware everyone!

We have been practising our rhyming skills by making silly soup. Click on the button to play at home.

We also played rhyming words with a huge cauldron and a ‘real’ magic wand. We knew it was real because it lit up when the magic was happening!

Whilst we were doing our daily walk for Lent we happened upon two gargantuan (our favourite word) branches which we dragged back to nursery to make a fairy glen…it is soooo magical. Outside in the garden we made a forbidden forest!

Frances and a team of intrepid gardeners have also started preparing the garden for summer planting. They began by weeding the big tractor tyre and planted a meadow to attract butterflies and bees in the summer.

We have been so very busy and nursery has been transformed into a magical kingdom…watch out for the pictures on next weeks blog

Key Person blog

It has been a magical time this week at Nursery. We have noticed some evidence of fairies all around. The children know how to tell if a fairy has been near:

Soft chiming bells, a sprinkle of fairy dust, tiny flickers of light and a gentle breeze in the air.

With all this in mind we have created our own fairy drawings and paintings, explored fairy sounds by using our own soft chiming bells. We have also made the most ‘fairylicious’ sparkling playdough which was red, blue and yellow. The children have made their own indoor fairy glen with sparkling lights and created their own story using a story map. Thank you to the wonderful gardeners who did some lovely spring planting.

Have a lovely weekend.

Hannah, Colette, Justine, Frances and Michelle.


 This week we continued talking about our Lenten promises and how we could be more like Jesus. Our Lenten promise chart is getting very full as we complete many acts of kindness and generosity.

May we say a big thank you for your Lenten Almsgiving our magic counting jar is getting full. If you haven’t sent your donation in yet don’t worry…you still have time. Some of the children have sent in with their donation a list of the acts of kindness they have been doing at home. Well done everybody!

We also talked about how we should all be grateful for our wonderful world and everyone and everything on it.

We started to read the Easter story. We started by reading about Palm Sunday.

The children continue to explore and play with number and also we have been developing our understanding of shape and space including how things fit together, movements like turning and flipping, symmetry and scale. They are also beginning to predict and recognise familiar routes for example how to get to the chapel, field etc.

We have been loving finding lots of books which have a magical or fantasy theme. We read Room on a Broom and a huge red dragon appeared! Click here to watch.

One of our other favourites is ‘On the Way Home’ by Jill Murphy. Click here.

Next week be will post our own story and the display we are currently painting…it’s a bit scary!

Everyone has worked so very hard this week, I am sure a well earned rest is in order. Have a restful weekend before we continue on our magical quest next week, where we will be exploring the world of dragons, boggarts and much much more. We can’t wait!!!!!!

Keep safe and we will see you on Monday!
