Reception Brockholes Trip - Thursday 12th May

We have very exciting news, we are off on our very first school trip! We are heading to Brockholes Nature Reserve in Preston on the Thursday 12th May. We are hoping to take part in a Storytime Adventure in the morning and a Minibeast Hunt in the afternoon.

The children are all so excited which is lovely, as this is their first school trip I would appreciate if you had a chat with them about what the expectations will be. Especially the importance of listening to our grown ups to stay safe. We will be reinforcing this in school too, over the next few weeks.

Timings - We will be leaving at 9:10 and return at 2:45ish so drop off and pick up will be normal times.

Travel - We will be travelling by coach, and I am sure the coach driver cannot wait to hear some of our fantastic singing on the journey! If your child tends to get travel sick, please let me know so we can keep a close eye on them!

Staff - Mrs Summersall, Mrs Maano, Miss Neves, Mrs Carr, and Mrs Lavelle (my mum) will be joining us. All the grown ups are very excited to share this experience with the children. Each grown up will have a group of 5 children to support, the children will move around Brockholes in these groups.

Clothing - The children do not need to wear school uniform. Comfy and practical would be best, always good to have layers as we know the weather can be unpredictable at the moment. (Jeans are not good when wet, something light like leggings etc would be better. A warm, waterproof coat would be best too. I will be putting a warm hat in my bag just in case too.) The children a highly likely to get muddy so nothing you are worried about spoiling. Please ensure any clothes that would be potentially removed in good weather are clearly labelled.

Footwear - All the children have wellies in school, if you send your children into school in trainers or something similar we will change them over before we go.

Spares - If your children has been prone to accidents at school, Please send spare underwear, socks and trousers or leggings in their bag. We will take their shoes just in case.

Bag - Please send your children with a small back pack or labelled bag. The bag can be empty, we will use it for their lunch and drinks from Jacqui and any layers removed throughout the day.

Lunch - Jacqui in our kitchen will be providing some lovely packed lunches for the children consisting of a cheese, tuna or ham sandwich, some crisps, a piece of fruit, a biscuit and two drinks, 1 bottle of water and 1 orange juice. The children have picked their sandwich options and are looking forward to having a special packed lunch. If your child is usually on packed lunch they are encouraged to try one of the school ones, please let me know either way via email by Monday at the very latest.

Parent pay - If you haven’t done so already, please log on to Parent Pay to pay the £15 cost of the trip.

I hope this covers everything, if you have any further questions please let me know…

Miss Lavelle