This week.....

I have only one word for this weeks learning…truly magical. On Monday a Dragon came to nursery to lay her eggs in a dragons lair….ooooh eggciting (sorry I couldn’t resist!).

On Tuesday we had two tonnes of sand delivered, so we decided to make a beach!!! I must say moving that amount of sand was hard work! Needless to say we did it and we now have the most wonderful beach, although the children now are asking where the sea is!!!!! I’m not sure what I can do about that, I will have to put my thinking hat on!

We have been continuing our mathematical journey by exploring shape, space and measure. We have made obstacle courses, visited new areas around the school, drawn maps, read books using spatial language, spotted patterns, made patterns using natural resources, predicted routes to get to places and used small world to practice position and direction. There is so much to learn! Watch out for the handout about Spatial Reasoning I will be sending home, it may give you some ideas for activities at home.

Our exploration of number five is fabulous. The children now understand that ‘5’ can be made up of five ones, three ones and two more, four ones and one more… Click here to watch ‘Where are Five & Friends?’

Next week we will start exploring number 6.


This week we have continued our Easter Story by reading about ‘The Last Supper’. The children were concerned that Judas made a bad choice. Everyone was so eager to know what happened next we had to read on! One of our friends also brought his Easter story for us to read.

If you click on the button below there is the Easter story in sequencing cards. Perhaps your child can cut out the cards, tell you the story and put them on the correct order? Wow, that would be great. Let us know how they get on.

Also, each day we have been doing our Cafod walk for Hunger by walking twice around the school field. We can’t believe how much we have raised already for our Lenten collection. As of today our total is….£92.11. We are all blown away by you generosity, let’s see if we can get above £100!

Key Persons Blog

What another busy week here at Nursery! Our magical quest has continued with the arrival of a Dragon on Monday! Underneath the Dragon was a basket of eggs...the children counted 12!! We closely examined them (gently of course) and are watching and waiting to see if any magic happens.  We have made a Dangerous Dragons display and have ben very creative painting our own dragons. We made sure we looked really closely at  the colours of dragons. Our dragons are even breathing fire.

Click here to listen to Zog the dragon story.

We didn’t forget to make more fairy playdough (we all had sticky blue hands this time….not sure if we followed the recipe as closely as last week!!!). We have also learnt how to write like fairies using magic fairy dust and magic wands.

There has been a lot of music in the air this week and have been singing a song about ‘Leafy Green’ who has a body made up of healthy foods (not chocolate I’m afraid!).

We have also been rally busy on a top secret mission involving plant pots and chocolates. Shhhh! (All will be revealed!)

Using our open ended resources there has been some wonderful creative play in the garden. Building towers from the coloured bricks and plastic reels and also making cubes from the large waffles. We have also enjoyed singing and dancing in the garden, enjoying the sunnier days.

 Colette, Michelle, Hannah, Justine and Frances

I believe it’s going to be a lovely weekend so enjoy the sunshine and have lots of fun! We will see you on Monday, who knows maybe one of our dragon eggs may have hatched!!

P. S. The children will need an early night on Sunday as we have lots of learning planned for next week. Don’t forget Colette’s Parent Meetings on Monday and Hannah’s on Tuesday. We look forward to ctaching up with you all.

Stay safe
