Year 2 Weekly Blog - "When we put our problems in God's hands, He puts His peace in our hearts"

It’s been another week of brilliant learning here in Year 2! The children have worked so hard that the time just seems to have flown by! Each day we have continued our CAFOD ‘Walk against hunger’ and the children are becoming more creative in their movements as the days pass by! The song of choice this week has been the Macarena - the dance moves have certainly made the laps feel shorter!

In English this morning we read the penultimate chapter of our focus story ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’. I always love sharing this story with the children. It really captures their imaginations whilst having a few laughs and giggles along the way. Next week we will be looking carefully at the plots of each chapter in preparation for writing our own version of one of the chapters. As always I can’t wait to hear the children’s imaginative and creative ideas!

In Maths we have revisited the names of 3D shapes before moving onto recognising, counting and describing their faces, vertices and edges. On Thursday we used our new knowledge of these 3D shapes to help sort them into different categories. We’ve only a couple more lessons on shape before we move onto our new maths topic ‘fractions’.

We enjoyed our third child-led prayer and liturgy yesterday morning, with the children choosing ‘loving’ as their focus. It was wonderful to hear the children speaking and reading so confidently before then asking their friends to share examples of when they have been loving. These are such lovely moments in our busy weeks of learning as we really get to see just how much the children have grown in confidence and how beautifully they can speak out.

All of the children were Curious Clara Clownfishes in RE as they investigated God’s special book ‘The Bible’. We discussed the importance of handling and treating the book with reverence and respect before the children then took closer looks inside to see what was included. Through their questions and curiosity, the class discovered that the Bible is made up of two sections ‘The Old Testament’ and ‘The New Testament’ and within these there are lots of different books and psalms.

Finally, all of the children have brought home lines to learn for our Easter assembly. I have included this as part of their home learning this week. Please do help and encourage your child to learn their lines so that we can begin practising.

Let’s Celebrate

Joseph, I have been so proud of you this week!  You have been a real Co-operative Roger Robin by thinking carefully about your words and actions.  You have tried really hard to stay focused during lessons which has helped the others around you to stay on track too.  Thank you for following those important instructions given to you straight away – let’s keep this up Joseph!

Rose, you have been a reflective learner by asking for help this week.  Some of our 3D shape challenges have been tricky but you have always asked for help when needed which has then helped you to carry out the rest of the learning independently.  Keep this up Rose and your brain will continue to grow and grow!


Parents’ Meetings - Please check your time slot if you have a meeting with me on Wednesday 23rd March. The ten-minute time slot seems to pass in the blink of an eye so please do be prompt to get the most out of your meeting.

Have a brilliant weekend - let’s hope the forecast of sunshine is correct!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team