Year 3 Weekly Blog "No one has ever become poor by giving." - Anne Frank

What a special moment it was on Wednesday! Our Year 3’s were so excited for you all to see their books and to share some of their favourite pieces of work so far. We have definitely missed your presence in school during the past year and a half. Having you in school to look at your children’s learning was just magical!

In class the children have been working very hard! The BUZZ of excitement during science has been infectious. This week our apprentices have had to work with their group to make a motor and a buzzer work. The children have worked together, listening to each others’ ideas and had problem solved when things haven’t gone to plan. Some groups had a few ups and downs as they needed to rethink their ideas.. but not one person gave up! Hearing their cheers of happiness and seeing their smiles when they have succeeded has been one of those wonderful teacher joys!

In English we have been continuing our learning of how to use inverted commas for speech and Maths we have grappled with some large numbers, looking at represented them with concrete apparatus and then using our reasoning skills to problem solve.

Our History has got in to full swing this week, as we thought carefully as to why Emperor Claudius may have wanted to invade Britain, after Julius Caesar had two failed attempts 98 years earlier. The children enquired and analysed explanations, looking for key evidence!

Let’s Celebrate!

Isaac…For always showing such interest and excitement towards learning. During your science this week you have shown great focus, resilience and so much enthusiasm towards making your circuits work. Seeing your face light up was an absolute delight! You have also made such great progress with your throwing and catching and we could not be more proud of your effort with this.

Pippa… We have been so impressed with your wonderful determination and ability to reflect on your work. It is an absolute pleasure teaching you. Your humour, kindness and your friendly way with others is so welcomed in our classroom. You listen carefully during discussions and we see this in your writing. A huge well done Pippa!


  • Don’t forget the next parent meeting appointments are taking place on Wednesday 23rd March from 2:30pm - 5:30pm.