'The things that truly bring us joy are rarely things.'

It has been a wonderful week of spring flowers blossoming in our garden and brains blossoming in our classroom. This week has been full of excitement as we welcomed some of our grown ups into our learning environment. It was clear to see how much joy it brought to the children to show you their favourite things to do at school, they haven’t stopped talking about it since. Thank you for coming and getting stuck in with the playing and exploring, it was lovely to see such magical moments. I have added the pictures to the bottom of the blog. We look forward to welcoming more of you on Tuesday.

We have continued our ‘Walk Against Hunger’ for CAFOD. Walking 1km round the field and getting all that fresh air has proven to be a brilliant brain break. For our relay races this week we tried and egg and spoons, which was definitely our favourite so far. Although it’s probably for the best we didn’t use real eggs!

This week we spent some time embedding the sounds we have learnt so far. Working in pairs, like Roger Robin, we wrote words including all our Set 2 sounds. We also looked at those tricky Red words, you can’t sound them out, you just have to remember them! Our favourite game was musical Red words, when the music stops, you have to run to the Red word called out. We got to show off our best dance moves and growing our brains at the same time.

·        We have been building our understanding that 5 can be partitioned into different parts and used our mathematical language to explain what the parts are and how we know. Our favourite game was to use what they know about 5 to work out a hidden number. We started with 5 objects altogether and then closed our eyes while someone hid some of the counters under a cup. Then we had to tell the ‘hider’ how many objects were under the cup using our knowledge of partitioning 5. For example we said… ‘There are 3 next to the cup and 2 under the cup. I know because 3 and 2 make 5 altogether’. This would be a great one to do at home together!

During this half term we have been focusing on rolling a ball in PE and improving our technique each week. I have challenged the children to teach you the steps at home. We have also been rolling our bodies. Teddy bear rolls and a rock and roll (tuck knees into chest and hug with arms, roll backwards and come back up to sitting) both proved very tricky at first but by channeling our inner Sadie Spiders we kept on trying and got better each time.

Let’s Celebrate

Alexandra is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For being so enthusiastic and working hard with all our Read Write Inc learning this week. We are so impressed with all the effort you are putting in and your enthusiasm to take on a challenge to learn and practice new sounds by writing them in words. Well done Sasha!

Freddie is a Curious Clara Clownfish - For asking some brilliant questions about objects within our classroom and natural objects outside. You have thought of some brilliant ideas of how to include these objects in your play and shared these ideas really clearly with your friends! Well done Freddie!

Important notices

EXCITING TRIP NEWS - Please see separate trip blog for information.

Parent Meetings - Next Wednesday (23rd) our final virtual parent meetings take place, please be prompt to the meeting so we can use the have the full allocated time. For those of you attending Tuesday’s stay and play session please be at the St Patrick’s Road gate at 2:25. Thank you.

Lent Almsgiving - After much thought we have decided that our almsgiving through Lent will focus on CAFOD’s Walk Against Hunger and we will be praying for all those around the world who are in desperate need. The children will be asking you to sponsor them as each class tries to walk at least 200K (125 miles!) over the next five weeks in our lead up to Holy Week in school. You can do this by donating on ParentPay which will be live from today. If every family donates at least £5 in sponsorship we should be able to head towards that magical £1000 for this very worthy cause. In the past a few families have collected Lenten alms with wider family and friends and passed on the donation to our chosen charity so we will put this item on ParentPay showing a range for the amount to be donated but there are no expectations and all donations are gratefully received.

Have a sunshine filled weekend, it’s looking promising!

The Reception Team