Much a do about everything!!!

Dear Parents,

I apologize for my late post this week. I was away training Thursday and Friday and I’m just catching up- all ready for Monday now!

As you know we had a wonderful time at the theater this week. It was challenging and at times nerve-wracking - but we really did excel!! I am so proud of the whole class. It was a real team effort. We have had so many lovely comments about our impactful opening to the festival!

I have posted the images we were able to take at the tech rehearsal. Sadly we couldn’t record or photograph the performance! A little thank you though for the lovely emails - it was nice to know how much you enjoyed it.

In class the children have been using the play as inspiration for our writing. We have practiced writing a characterization - “showing not telling” -when we introduce a person in our stories. We have placed our work on display in the hall. I have also photographed some of the writing for you to see/read below.

I will post certificates next week once I’m back with Mrs Nel! Of course we continued with our science and maths - lots of shape puzzles!

Click on image of writing to enlarge

In RE we have continued to explore sins and how they separate us for God. We explored how Mary helps us to come to God and when we pray to her. She unties the “knots” we feel inside- caused by our sins. Again we have displayed our work in the hall. Our “Knots” - these we intend to take don and unravel during our final worship - after our Crucifixion assembly.

Important reminders

We are now moving onto our Easter Assembly (more drama) - which you will be able to watch in school. - date for your diary 7th April 9:15am.

As you know from Miss Hornby’s Newsletter we are all walking during Lent for CAFOD “WALK AGAINST HUNGER”. In class we discussed walking further and the children decided that walking from our church to St Joseph’s in Ansdell.would be a good challenge. Once we are there we will be able to take a rest in the church and take part in our own worship. We hope to walk on Wednesday 30th March - more details next week

Take care - thank you for all your help and support