'The first blooms of Spring always makes the heart sing'

The sun has been shining and Spring definitely seems to have arrived, filling our classroom with sunshine and such a joy! It has been a lovely and varied week this week in Year 3 and the children have loved every minute. It was great meeting with the rest of the parents this week, it makes you stand back and really appreciate how far Year 3 have come, how much progress they have made and how much they have blossomed. We are all so proud of all of them.

The week started off to an exciting start, as Year 3 had some very special visitors. The fire service came to deliver a fire safety talk, so you may have had some important conversations following on from this at home. They discussed vital areas such as ensuring fire alarms are in place and having a fire safety plan at home. On Tuesday we then got our Easter Assembly up and running, as we reminded ourselves of the events of holy week, learnt about the significance of the Last Supper, so that when we got in to the hall children would understand exactly how to portray their characters and movement. We have only just started, but we can’t wait to show you- make sure you bring your tissues!

This week we have continued with our number work in Maths, bridging over the 100’s and in English we have been working on our point and evidence using a very clever game of true or false. The children created their own statements and then they has to answer using evidence from the text…

In science, we have been investigating conductors and insulators of electricity. The children worked in their groups to explore different objects from around our classroom. Together, the children came to the conclusion that objects that are metal, are in fact conductors of electricity. However, if an object is made from plastic or rubber, it will not allow electricity to flow through, therefore they are insulators. Well done Year 3!

Let’s Celebrate!

Ben B…What an amazing week you have had Ben! You have shown great focus within our lessons and have been working hard to manage your distractions. Everybody who has spent time with you this week has noticed how wonderfully focused you are, not just with your learning, but your behaviour too. Keep going Ben, we are so proud of you!

Arthur… For showing such great engagement within your learning! Watching you play the piano, during our music lesson, was an absolute joy! We are all so proud of you and the dedication you show towards learning new skills. A huge well done Arthur!


  • Easter Assembly Tuesday 5th April

  • Walking against hunger: The children have been taking time out from their breaktimes to run or walk laps of our play ground to earn their sponsorship. As a class we have currently ran an impressive total of 227km. We have some very enthusiastic and energetic members in our class! Please send in any photographs of you as a family walking during Lent for hunger. We will add these photographs to our display.

  • On Thursday this week we will be going for a walk outside of school to help us to raise our total kilometers walked this Lent for Cafod. Please make sure your child has a coat/ waterproof on this day in case the sun is not shining.