Year 3 Home Learning 25.03.22


This week we would like you to focus of the Year 3 spellings:

1. centre

2. accidentally

3. appear

4. actual

5. accident

6. bicycle


We have started our learning on the Romans now, and you were so keen to find out more …

Please go on to purple mash and search, by typing in at the top, ‘Roman Life Slideshow’ and the following tab will appear …

Click on it and have a read of the Roman way of life. Please could you write three of your most favourite facts, ready to share in class next Wednesday. Thank you!


Please make sure the following areas are completed for next week:

K.1 - Count in equal groups

K.2 - Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups

K.3 - Write multiplication sentences for equal groups

K.4 - Relate addition and multiplication for equal groups

Also look back at the IXL areas from last weeks homework and make sure these are completed.